Eating the right type of food is essential in today’s world of fitness. The food you choose directly impacts your fitness results. One must be aware of what should be eaten before and after the workout. The fitness and diet mantra’s aim is to meet our health goals. Eating healthy food is the backbone. Let’s check out how you can achieve your goal of having a perfect figure. These small Health tips/ Diet mantra will help you out to build strength, gain muscle mass, and lose fat.

Health/Diet Tips
- Quality rich carbohydrates should be taken before your workout, whereas lean proteins should be taken after exercise. One should avoid taking too much of carbohydrates at one time.
- Preparing healthy meals in advance helps one to skip or eat unhealthy meals. Proper planning is a must for cooking a healthy meal.
- Eating five meals a day stimulates metabolism. One should include two mini and three basic meals. One should eat less as the day goes on.
- Stay hydrated because consuming a sufficient amount of water is necessary for the detoxification of the body.
- One should have meals at least one hour before starting with workouts.
- Pay attention to your portion sizes. Everything you eat should have some nutritional value. Eating nutritious food fuels your workouts and helps to optimize your body.
- One should avoid exercising on an empty stomach. According to researchers, empty stomach workouts are beneficial for a more extended period. Eggs, peanut butter, milk, toast, or fruit are the best options to fuel up your mornings.
- Avoid using any shortcuts for any range of motion.
- One should choose the fluids/ juices according to the sport and comfortability of an individual.
- Attack on your lower body to burn more fat as the body below navel has more fat.

One should remember that eating a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential. Your balanced diet should include high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Do let us know your Diet mantra in the comments below or on WhatsApp. Eat healthily! Stay fit!
Utpal Khot
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