TV appearance is often considered a sign of being popular locally as well as nationally. Many have aspired to be on TV at least once so that they can share their moments of fame. TV appearance is now in many forms, be it on a news channel, on OTT platform or in Serials and reality shows. With so many channels and options coming in the Television Industry, a plethora of opportunities have been thrown open to the common man. One no longer needs to come from a family with acting background to be seen on Television.
I have been having my stints of Television appearances over the past couple of years. These have mostly been panelist on News channels for social media discussions. I was also lucky enough to get selected on a game show. This Indian show is in lines with Who wants to be a Millionaire? It is known as Kaun Banega Crorepati in Hindi and Koan Honaar Crorepati in Marathi. This show is very popular amongst masses who aspire to win some money and fame.
My Stints with fame
My stint with fame came when I got selected in Koan Honaar Crorepati. This is the regional Marathi version of Who wants to be a millionaire. I got recognition on Television as a person doing work for Animals. People in the community, society, various cities across Maharashtra recognized me as an Animal activist.

Apart from that TV appearance, I am a regular panelist on ET Now Swadesh. I am often invited by the channel as a Social media Strategist/Expert. The discussions are interesting and all the topics/points which need elaboration by social media users are discussed. Since many of my readers had requested to share my experience and links of my TV appearances, I thought of penning this personal post. Hope you all like and support me always.

I will conclude by saying that there are no fixed formulae for success. Excel in whatever you do. You can achieve success in whichever field you choose. Keep working hard and keep believing in yourself. Pray hard and with heart and don’t let your dreams die. You can be successful or may fail but you always be contended and satisfied.
Utpal Khot
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