Add years to your Pets Life
- Pets and Pet care

How to add years to your pets life?

Having pets is a blessing. They are our family members and losing a pet is the most painful experience that one faces. Every pet owner knows the tentative life of their pets. They are aware of nearly how long they will live. Pets are like humans they need exercise and nutrient-rich food to live a healthy life. The methods here will help you to add years to your pets life.

  • Dental hygiene: Make a habit of brushing your pet’s teeth daily at least once a day. If you don’t take care of their oral hygiene it can lead to bacterial inflammation. In some of the worst cases of pets mouth bacteria affects the whole body and can enter the bloodstream. It also invites heart diseases and arthritis. You can use a toothpaste recommended by your Vet as it can vary as per their need, age, and body type. Use a soft brush so that they don’t get irritated with it.
  • Keep them active: Play games with your pets as it is necessary to keep their brain active. Obesity can cause various issues such as diabetes and cancer so make them exercise regularly. Be aware of what they are eating and how much they are eating. Utilize their energy by giving them activities or tasks to complete. Take them on long hikes, running, let them enjoy the surroundings when they are with you. Keep them active by giving them toys, puzzles, and make them learn new skills.
  • Cuddling inspection: Pay attention to their body growth. Take them in your lap and check for their lesions, bacterial infections while cuddling. Doing this helps you to know about their hair fall issues, itching, and wounds. Do it at least in a week as they can’t communicate all this verbally. Cuddling gives them a feeling of affection and safety. For you it will be an inspection about their well-being.
Add years to your Pets Life

Some more Tips

  • Keep them tidy: Choose the things that they are comfortable with. Clean their mats, clothes, and toys from time to time. Give them a regular bath. Keep them neat and tidy so that there is no chance of ticks or any type of infection.
  • Do not over-vaccinate: If you are over-vaccinating your pet it can harm them as it may not be needed by them. Some of the pets show side effects if they are vaccinated yearly. So consult your Vet from time to time.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Feed your pet with food that is rich in antioxidants. It can be green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, or apples. Give them the way they love it. It can be combined with their regular food and can be given in the form of juices or small pieces. Always feed them with quality food and it will be best if it is homemade. 
  • Omega-3 supplements: Some of the pets require supplements of omega-3 as it reduces the chances of inflammation and arthritis. Add supplements of omega-3 with their meals or fish oil only after consulting your Vet.
  • Regular checkups: Early detection of any problem can reduce the risk of getting severe health problems. Regular checkups are a must for every pet to know about their growth and weight. An overall check-up is a must at least twice a year.
Add years to your Pets Life

Conclusion: Take regular follow-ups about the health of your pet. All they need is your love and commitment. Take care of them and add years to your pets life.

Utpal Khot

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