- Pets and Pet care

Which Are The Best Human Foods for Dogs?

Does your dog wag its tail or give puppy-eyed looks every time they spot you munching food? It’s tough to resist slipping human foods to the dog even though they have their canine diet. This might seem like a reward for the pet, but you need to make sure that table scrap is safe for the canine tummy. However, the big question remains which are the best human foods for dogs.

Dogs are lovable and a pet dog could be a loyal companion or friend you need at times. Almost every dog lover would wish their puppy gets what it wants and that includes food too. Well, if you are a dog lover and own a pet, then you must already be aware that everyday human foods aren’t suitable for a canine’s digestive system.

Best Human Foods for Dogs

In one of the previous article, we explained the benefits of coconut oil for pets and how consuming coconut oil can help your dog with most kinds of skin ailments. Hence, some human foods can also be quite healthy for dogs and other pets.

Most foods that we consume are also deadly for dogs in some cases. Hence, we must be careful what we feed our dogs. It is in the best interest of your cute little friend to identify the best human foods for dog considering the canine digestive system.

Best Human Foods for Dogs

Well, most foods may be unhealthy for dogs but they are certainly some human foods for dogs that can be ideal for these cute little friends. Try and make a list of best human foods for dogs and ensure that you only feed these foods the next time your dog’s wagging its tail at you for the food from your plate.

Here is our list of best human foods for dogs to begin with:

Peanut Butter:

Peanut Butter for Dogs

Relishing a spoon of peanut butter can be a treat for many humans but it’s the same for canines too. Not only it is filled with healthy fats; peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, Vitamin E, VitaminB, niacin, and healthy fats. The best is to pick raw unsalted peanut butter not the sugar free version as such brands contain artificial sweeteners that can be toxic to dog’s health.


Chicken for Dogs

Be it cooked or raw, you can easily slip chicken in your dog’s regular diet. This will balance out the protein deficiency in the canine diet. You can feed light roasted chicken or boiled chicken as per dog’s taste in every few days. Believe it or not, chicken is one of the best human foods for dogs as it supplies the much needed protein for your pet’s long term agility and strength.


Scrambled Eggs for Dogs

Another great food option for pets is the eggs. Boiled or scrambled eggs are the best food options for growing pups. Eggs contain digestible selenium and riboflavin which is a healthy snack option and excellent growth booster.


Salmon for Dog

If you want the pet to consume good fat, then try feeding cooked salmon as they are high in omega 3 fatty acids. A healthy dose of good fat will support dog’s immune system and keep the coat shiny and healthy. If the pet is not showing any interest in consuming fish, then try using salmon oil or fish skin to overcome omega 3 fatty acid deficiencies.


Pumpkin for Dogs

Yes, vegetables are good meal option for pets when they are correctly cooked. A pumpkin is a great option that contains Vitamin A, beta-carotene and fiber that reduce the occurrence of digestive issues among pets.

Sweet Potato:

Sweat Potato for Dogs

Similar to pumpkin, Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, Vitamin A, and necessary nutrients. Cooked sweet potato is easily digestible and can be given to pets without being worried about their health.


Carrots for Dogs

Ever had a question – “are carrots good for puppies”? Carrots are high in fiber and Vitamin A making the healthiest snack option for the dogs. If your pet is obese, this is the best low-calorie food which can be easily included in their daily diet. You can also give carrots to the puppies who are teething as it’s known to make teeth stronger.

Green beans:

Green Beans for Dogs

If the pet has a high food intake then introduce green beans in its daily meal as they are low in calories and filling. Pick the unsalted can beans as they are much healthier.


Cheese for Dogs

Similar to humans, milk product is beneficial to health but only when they are not lactose intolerant. In only rare case, the canine can have such type of intolerance against food. The best way is to ask the veterinarian to check if the dog isn’t lactose intolerant. Also, when you are feeding cheese, opt for the low-fat cheese variants as they are low in fat. Cottage cheese is the best choice if you want to introduce dairy product is pet’s diet.


Plain Yogurt

Another dairy product that contains a high amount of protein and calcium is yogurt. As it includes active bacteria, yogurt contains probiotic which is good for dog’s digestive system. Get yogurts that don’t contain any added flavors and artificial sweeteners as it can be toxic to the canine.

Oat Meal:

Oatmeal for Dogs

High in soluble fiber, oatmeal is a great food option for senior dogs and also to pets that have irregular bowel movements. Oatmeal is also a great diet option for dogs that are allergic to grains. Similar to other packed foods, do not give oatmeal that contains a flavor or artificial sugar.


Apple for Dogs

Is your dog having bad breath or yellow teeth, then try slipping fresh apple slices in his bowl. This fruit is high in Vitamin A, C and a good source of fiber. Remember to cut thin slices and remove the core before feeding the pups as they can choke on it.

Using the Best Homemade Dog Food

Well, that’s your list of best human foods for dog which you can toss to the pets. The apt way to introduce the dog to different foods is by feeding them in small portions. If you have a small pup, try consulting veterinarian before adding any new meal. Remember, your pet will always try to taste your food, but they can be toxic to the health.

Avoid giving nuts, artificial sweetener, chocolate, grapes, raisins, avocados, coffee or alcohol to pets.  Apart from this, you can have used the roasted or uncooked food to feed the pet making them healthier. I hope you are now aware of the best human foods for dog and will prevent your dog from eating any unhealthy foods.

Uttpal K

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16 thoughts on “Which Are The Best Human Foods for Dogs?

  1. Thanks for this. Always good to have this list handy as a pet owner. My beagle does have issues with cheese products (doesn’t stop him from eating it again the next time he comes across it )

  2. Wow this is incredible food List for pets. Most of these food are easily available. Never know that Pumpkin and carrots are good for dogs.

  3. Wow!! I was never aware of this. Generally, I have seen people either give specific Dog food or just anything. This post has truly helped me to know what is right.

  4. I had no idea about all this especially the vegetables. I didn’t know dogs can have veggies and fruits too. The same a very helpful post for dog owners.

  5. This was amazing read, din know about peanut butter, i have always seen people feeding them either chicken or daal chawal!!!

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