With the upliftment of lockdown, health negligence has increased a lot. It seems as if nothing has happened, as if this was a dream. The need is to follow comprehensive guidelines so that we can protect ourselves. Negligence has not only increased on a personal level but socially as well. Let us know how we are also knowingly or unknowingly neglecting our health.

Mistakes we do..
- Wearing masks: “Wearing masks can protect us from COVID” is now being considered just a myth. We can see people without a mask in the market, offices, and while traveling. One must wear a mask as COVID spreads through droplets. Use a mask as it is the season of cough, cold, and fever. Avoid going near a person who is not wearing a mask or is having any symptoms.
- Social distancing: Whether you are at home or in the market, follow social distancing norms. Avoid hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with anyone. Control yourself from traveling outside, going to parties, or meeting anyone unless it is an emergency. Avoid sharing your personal stuff or food with anyone. Maintain a safe distance when you are visiting someone and with your pets too.
- Washing of hands: Demand for hand sanitizers has decreased as many of us are not considering it essential. It avoids the chances of infection, so wash your hands from time to time. Avoid touching surfaces or unnecessary things when you are outside.

Some more..
- Diet negligence: With the unlock phase and reopening of restaurants, people have again started eating outside. The use of tobacco and alcohol has increased a lot as now we have started going out. You must maintain healthy eating habits to keep yourself fit.
- Physical meetings: Physical parties, weddings, and festivals have again gathered crowds. Many of us are enjoying these physical meetings without any precautions. Always remember that unlock is over and not COVID.

Summary: Be vigilant and follow all the necessary norms post-COVID as well. Avoid taking risks for yourself and your loved ones by even making small health negligence. Stay home! Stay safe!
Utpal Khot
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