Welcoming a newborn family member changes life entirely for both of the parents. The news of twins fills every parent with excitement, and different thoughts flicker across mind day in and out. Parenting twins is a beautiful experience. It is a task that exhausts you emotionally and physically. The actual art is to enjoy the world of parenting twins without freaking out. Twin Parenting seems a challenging task. Here are a few tips to help you out for raising while you are raising two kids at the same time.

- Frame routine and schedule: Following the set daily routine helps your children to know about there schedule and timings for different tasks. Try to schedule there sleep time, time for meals, and various small jobs too. Setting one time for sleep, meals, bath, and different other tasks will help you to save time.
- Treat both equally: Every child is unique in some or the other way, and it is essential to respect individual differences. Each child has different needs so, try to understand both of them. It is necessary to spend equal time with both of them and treat them equally in every manner. Respecting them fosters a healthy life.
- Avoid comparisons: Parents often commit mistakes by comparing one child to others. Children are emotional, sensitive and so internalize what they hear from people. Comparing children discourages them. Remember that development is a slow process.
- Share responsibilities: Helping each other while parenting is the only key to survive with two newborns. Parenting becomes complicated and affects relationships severely if all of the duties are given entirely to a single parent. It is essential to share all the responsibilities equally.
- Parenting twins is altogether a different experience that every parent cannot enjoy. So enjoy the ride of raising twins. Interacting with other parents of twin groups will help you to come to every challenge. Always remember that being a parent of twins is indeed a double blessing.

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Utpal Khot
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