A shift in working culture in the year 2020 has made us rethink our parenting convention. Whether this shift has brought parents closer to their children or stolen their freedom remains an enigma to the parents. One thing we are sure about and that is these Parenting trends are here to stay. With most corporate viewing WFH as a permanent solution even after the pandemic, parents must brace themselves up for this new adventure. Round the clock job of parenting will soon become a new normal.

Constructive screen time.
Unlike earlier, kids are not spending time on devices just for playing.
Learning platforms and even schools are now encouraging kids to study online. Having facetime with relatives and friends has become crucial to stay connected, feed our soul and fight rough times. But you must draw the line somewhere. Excessive social media can do more harm than good and may lead your child to anxiety and depression. Parents must discuss both the positive and negative implications of using devices regularly.
More virtual assistance than ever before.
Remember getting stuck in the traffic while rushing your wife to the hospital while she’s in labor. The nervousness and urgency of that moment hit differently. Now many-a-times getting in-person help is not an option because of increasing fear of contact. Therefore doulas and obstetricians have found out ways to extend their helping hands online. You can maintain your cool during stressful moments. Some platforms have also come up with meditation training for parents, and these platforms are reporting a surge in the number of new members.

Telehealth is replacing visits to a clinic.
Your doctors must be asking you to use health monitoring devices for you and your kids. They can no longer use a stethoscope to monitor the heartbeats owing to the physical distance between them and their patients. Don’t be surprised when the pediatrician asks you to point your camera towards the child to make necessary assessments.
Corporates recognized the needs of their employees.
Lockdown has been difficult for all of us, but it threw some different challenges to moms. In the time of need, corporates have come forward and given breaks to employees. So, employees can take care of their children. The graceful gesture is not limited to breaks, but parents can also take paid leaves to look after their children.
These Parenting trends that sighed relief to the parents last year will continue this year.
Utpal Khot
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