Heartbreaking is awful. One who is connected emotionally cannot overcome a heartbreak easily. There is no way to avoid or protect yourself from heartbreak. Let us know how we can overcome a break-up and can start living our life again.
What to do?
- Know yourself: It is not easy to handle a breakup but to overcome this trauma. You must understand your emotions. Be kind to yourself and let the feelings come out. Let your feelings flow as it helps you to overcome the difficult experiences. Allow yourself to cry. Accept your feelings, anger, emotions, and everything.
- Be ready for the change: Things will change, it will take some time but yes, it will happen. These feelings will not be the same after some time this is just a moment and will pass away. Try to be comfortable with the situation and get assured that things will change soon.
- Avoid overthinking: It is okay to be sad but do not make a chain of negative emotions. Try to put a full stop over it. Accept things and make yourself busy so that you can cut down yourself from negative thoughts. Do not keep thinking about the same all time, put a full stop, take a stand for yourself, and just move one.
- Jot it down: Jot down your feelings on a piece of paper if you are unable to discuss it with anyone. Let your feelings flow out.
- Take help: Take the help of your near ones as it is a difficult time. Let your emotions come only in front of your loved ones. Sharing your thoughts and feelings will give you relief from unwanted feelings.

What else to do?
- Focus on other things: Focus on other things also. If you keep on thinking about the same every time you won’t be able to overcome those feelings. Try to do things that make you feel happy. This helps overcome a break-up.
- Try to forgive: Forgive yourself, it is not about the other person. Forverginess helps you to overcome your anger and negative thoughts. Stop blaming yourself or the other person for any of the situations. Take it simple, it didn’t work out because it was not the best one for you. Don’t allow pain, emotions, and anger to control you. Forgive and break the cage to live a better life. Set good intentions for yourself and others too.
- Exercise: Doing exercise and yoga makes you feel refreshed and also calms your mind. It helps you to build confidence and peace with the inner self. Do the regular exercise as it is important for your emotional and mental well being.
- Give time to yourself: Try to know yourself and give some time to understand yourself. Don’t rush into anything before thinking twice.
- Concentrate on yourself: Take care of yourself. Wear good clothes, eat good food and do what you like to do. Listen to music, read books, cook food, or plant trees. Ask yourself what you need and just follow your heart.

Conclusion: I am sure you can overcome a break-up with this. If you are unable to overcome the trauma even after a month, It is advised to approach your counselor at the earliest.
Utpal Khot
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