Make Children Eat
- Food, Health, Parenting

How to make children eat what you want them to eat.

Are you facing trouble with your child’s eating habits? We have a solution for you here. A child’s nutrition is of utmost importance, and you must be knowing that every child has different eating habits and choices. Convincing your child to eat something requires a lot of trials and errors. Read the few tips here with the hope that the problem will be solved. Let us see what it takes to make children eat what we want them to.

  1. Be a role model: Children’s eating habits are mostly similar to their parents. Don’t be too fussy or have erotic eating habits, even if you have avoided to show them in front of your children. Your choosy behavior makes them think that it’s very normal to do all this. Be honest with yourself and follow the smart food choices.
  2. Be creative: If you want to convince your child to eat food items of your choice, then be creative with its shape, toppings, or names. Garnishing your food item smartly can help you a lot to convince your child.
  3. Take help while cooking: It is a fact that if you involve your child in choosing the meal or in cooking, they will surely be more interested in eating what they have created. Take help while you are preparing a salad or sandwiches.
  4. Avoid giving options: Avoid giving food options. Prepare only one meal for everyone at home. Doing this will save your time, energy and will form a good habit to be happy with everything they have. Say “No” to food bribing. Be positive while cooking, don’t ever think if my children will like this or not.
  5. Know the reason: If your child denies eating something, ask the reason, “why so?” It may be he doesn’t like the taste, cooking method, bloating issues after eating, or he is not hungry, reason any numerous. Knowing the reason will surely help you to resolve the problem and convince them to eat.
  6. Give treats: Yes, treat them occasionally with their favorite food. It matters as you are taking care of their choice; they surely won’t ignore your choice. Avoid shouting, bribing, or ignoring them, especially in front of guests and their friends. Stop complaining about your child’s eating habits in front of guests or at school.
  7. Avoid distractions: Many of the time, children don’t want to eat while watching TV or playing games, so avoid such distractions while you are feeding them. Children develop eating habits from cartoons too, like Shinchan avoiding capsicum or Doraemon eating Dora cakes only. Try to avoid such types of situations, especially while your children are having meals.
  8. Avoid chocolates as rewards: Giving desserts or candies should not be the solution for switching your child’s mood. The habit of giving chocolates gives a sense that it’s the only best food. Be patient and try to find a better solution rather than giving out candies.

Summing up: Habits don’t change overnight, but small efforts can surely make some change. Approach your doctor if the issues are severe as your only aim is to give a balanced meal to your little one. Otherwise the above will help you make children eat as you want them to.

Utpal Khot

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