Maintaining a healthy routine is essential and has a very important role to play in keeping a check on your hunger pangs. We keep on eating something or the other but this overeating every time puts us in guilt. You can prevent mindless snacking by taking a few simple tips. Let me tell you what they are.

Few Important tips to overcome Hunger Pangs
- Proper meal: One should consume high fiber food in a daily diet. Increase the number of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, and beans on your platter. Include food items that have enough water content and can keep you full for a longer time.
- Including proteins: Add enough proteins in your meals as it gives a feeling of fullness and also helps to cut down fat. Include legumes, pulses, beans, and eggs as they help to prevent muscle loss and also decreases appetite.

- Stay hydrated: Drink enough water as it promotes weight loss and gives you a feeling of fullness. Drink water 1 hour before and after your meal. Drink coconut water and buttermilk to stay hydrated.
- Include Soups: Include soup in your daily meal (main course) as it helps you to eat fewer calories. Avoid having ready to eat container soup from the market as it has a lot of added preservatives. One should avoid adding sauces while preparing soup. Stick to low-calorie high fiber vegetable soup as it keeps you full for a long time.
- Exercise regularly: Regular exercise and yoga reduce activation of brain cells which are responsible for appetite. It also keeps your hormone level balanced and so helps to cut down food cravings.
- Salad: Adding a salad to your lunch and dinner platter reduces the intake of calories. Take fresh vegetables to prepare a bowl of salad. You can choose its toppings as per your choice.
- Eat fruits: Eat a fibrous rich fruit daily as it keeps appetite away. It helps to control appetite as they are rich in fiber content but low in sugar. Eat oranges, kiwi, or other sour fruit as they are full of nutrients.

Some more..
- Take enough sleep: Get 7-8 hours of sound sleep as loss of sleep leads to an increase in hunger and appetite. Short sleep also leads to obesity and increases stress levels. To keep a check on your hunger pang, take sound sleep regularly.
- Drink milk: Increase intake of milk in your diet but it should be low-fat dairy food. Drinking milk reduces the appetite and keeps you full for longer.
- Reduce stress and anxiety: Excess of stress and anxiety lead to food cravings and makes food more tempting. Curbing hunger also reduces the risk of obesity and depression.
- Eat nuts and seeds: Eat nuts and seeds daily as they are rich in protein and fiber content. Always keep a handful of nuts and seeds along with you as they can be replaced with other fried food.

- Slow down: Chew your food properly. Eating too fast invites a number of issues such as indigestion and acidity. Eat slowly so that your brain can have a check on what you are eating and how much you are eating.
- Soya products: Soya is a plant protein. Consume soy products meet all your needs for proteins and carbs. Soya milk, soya bar, and soya flour are some of the products that can be included in our daily routine.

Conclusion: Hunger is a natural instinct. You should understand your cravings and Hunger Pangs. You should only eat what is healthy for you. If you are unable to overcome your instincts, you should immediately consult your doctor.
Utpal Khot
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