House arrest for months is boring and depressing. One must always keep himself/herself busy, should learn new skills, and should pursue interests. The best part is WHO courses are free, come with certificates, and are offered in multiple languages. WHO courses are trending these days as they are self-paced and can be learned without any time barrier. Lets see the list of free short online WHO courses that can be enrolled while staying at home.
List of courses
- Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Clinical management is a specialized course dedicated to the initial approach to acutely ill patients. A systematic approach for ill patients is taught with an introductory emergency course. This course aims to support health providers during an emergency for ill patients. Its module is enriched with video lectures and downloadable content for complete guidance. A quiz at the end of every lecture helps one to evaluate the knowledge acquired.
- Transmission-based precautions: Transmission-based precautions course is designed to make us aware of how we can stop and slow the spread of infections. It primarily focuses on modes of transmission, precautions needed, and different requirements. This 1-hour course will help you know about the difference between contact, droplet, and airborne transmission.

- COVID-19 vaccine-specific resources: Health line workers involved in the process of vaccination require proper knowledge about vaccines. This course provides knowledge to ensure safe and efficient vaccine delivery. It trains one with vaccine storage, handling, labeling, packing, and delivery. It is mainly designed for vaccinators, clinicians, logisticians, and other focal points involved in vaccination.
Some more…
- Guidance on mask use in the context of COVID-19: The guidance on mask use course provides detailed knowledge about using a mask during the COVID pandemic. This course is designed for health workers, decision-makers, and the public. It makes one aware of the correct use of masks as the use of masks helps to limit the spread of the virus. This course makes one aware of safe handling and wearing of masks, the fabric used, number of layers, and composition. It guides one on using masks, different types of masks, when and how to use them. By the end of this 1-hour course, you will be able to know the difference between “Universal masking” and “Targeted Masking.”

- Prevention, identification, and management of infections in health workers in the context of COVID-19: Health workers’ safety and prevention from infection are most important as they are at higher risk of being infected. This course focuses on risk factors associated with health workers and makes them aware of different strategies for prevention, surveillance, and testing of COVID-19. It makes them aware of how risk can be reduced, supports the identification of infection, and reviews strategies for managing health workers.
Summing up: Learning these new courses will not only keep boredom at bay but will help you discover a new hobby or even change your career. Adding extra skills in your forte is the best way to utilize the lockdown period so keep scrolling and learning. Make sure that you share these courses with others too. For more details and courses, visit them here to enroll yourself.
Utpal Khot
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