The spread of COVID-19 has scared everyone around the world. Hygiene and fitness are the top priority today. We must take necessary hygiene precautions as this disease can easily be transmitted. Its hand-to-hand transmission has increased the possibilities of getting affected. Let us see what all comes under the new normal in hygiene during 2021.
New Hygiene norms
- Hand hygiene: It is necessary that hand hygiene culture be practiced, whether at home or outside. Wash hands from time to time to avoid the chances of infection. Replace hand sanitizers with regular hand wash and water when you are home. Avoid touching commonly touched surfaces and unknown things. To be on the safer side, use disposable towels, napkins, or an air dryer. Handwashing is the only way to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases, so do not miss an opportunity to wash your hand.

- Facemask: Using facemask was a big adjustment for every one of us. You must cover your face properly as the virus spreads through droplets. Avoid touching your face as it increases the chances of spreading. Wash your mask regularly, as a dirty mask can be the source of infection.

- Social distancing: Stay safe at home, especially when you are sick or have some symptoms. Avoid going to markets, parties, or crowded places. Go for virtual meets and phone calls rather than meeting personally. Maintain social distance while you are meeting someone. Visit the doctor only after an appointment if it is an emergency.
- Covering yourself: Cover your face while you are coughing or sneezing. Avoid hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with anyone. Make sure that you clean your hands after removing the mask. Wash reusable masks from time to time with soap and hot water.

- Healthy diet: Follow a normal routine when you are at home or in the office. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to keep your body fit. Maintain a healthy routine lifestyle to keep your immunity system strong and fit.
Prevention is better than cure. Essential hygiene practices must be followed as there is no vaccine and proper treatment for anyone. Following healthy habits will protect us from COVID-19, so take every necessary step to avoid any infection. Let us get adapted to the new normal in Hygiene from 2021.

Utpal Khot
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