Due to COVID, the future is very uncertain. We can assure you that the future of the Indian education system is bright and encouraging. Reformations and the use of technology is being carried out daily to universalize the country’s education system. People from different sectors are working day and night to join this revolution. The 2021 education system’s focus will be on society’s requirements for improving quality at all levels. Let us discuss the future of education system in 2021.

What we see..
- Digitalization: With the use of technology, educators can provide customized and personalized content for students’ growth. Technical trends are being adopted to reshape the Indian education industry. With gamification technology, today’s education system can provide an enhanced experience and incentive-based learning. The use of technology is offering great help by providing analysis and evaluation of every individual.
- Personalized learning: With the internet and customized teaching, every learner can master the concepts at his rate, interest, and capacity. Big data and artificial intelligence play a significant role in analyzing and understanding the learner’s needs. The education system today is ready to adapt itself according to the needs of the learner. Technology is the only reason we can reach a larger group of audiences.

We also see..
- Virtual labs: Students today can interact with each other and experimental apparatus. Virtual labs are creating the same atmosphere as that of physical classrooms. With the help of AV/VR technology and smart devices, all the limitations of old virtual labs have been eliminated.
- Blended learning: To provide students uninterrupted teaching and learning blended learning approach is the best choice. It gives students the flexibility to explore and learn more and more. With the help of offline and online tools, together with today’s education system, it has provided a dynamic classroom for collaborative learning.
- Unlimited storage: Cloud storage has made the content available from any device, anytime and anywhere. Due to its unlimited storage capacity, one can access the necessary information in the future from anywhere.

The Indian education system’s future in 2021 is very bright and is expected to grow more. Technological advancements, improvements in teaching methodologies, and multimedia are the major factors that have contributed to the growth of the formal education system.
Utpal Khot
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