As digitization is taking a massive leap with each passing day, we find it hard to keep ourselves away from the reach of these technological advances. The excessive use of gadgets is adversely affecting not only our lives but also children’s lives. Parents say parenting is becoming more difficult than it used to be twenty years ago from now. If you are one of the parents struggling with their child’s screens addiction, we have some valuable tips for you.
The change starts with you.
Have you ever noticed your children copying you? Yes, children tend to mimic the behavior of their parents or caregivers. If you spend most of your time watching TV or using mobile, they will replicate you. If you spend most of your time reading books, they will do the same. We hope you got the hint.

Keep them physically active.
Even in these difficult times, when everybody’s locked inside homes, you can still keep your children physically active. Right parenting demands that you devise some engaging indoor games for your children. If they like the games, their focus will automatically shift from screens to games.
Design a schedule for each family member
Having a timetable is a perfect way to discipline your children. Take their help while making their timetable and ensure they are following it religiously. Don’t be too harsh while designing. Include proper breaks and 20-40 minutes of screen time. If the timetable is too rigid, children will make excuses not to follow it.
Spend more time with them
Some children turn to gadgets when alone. Gradually this habit turns into an addiction. If you can manage to find enough free time, please devote it to your children. Listen to their thoughts and help them in managing their emotions. This is one very important aspect to get them off screens.

Set parental control
Setting parental control allows you to track the viewing history of your child. Even when you’re now home, parental control takes the front seat and restricts the channel or websites that you think are not appropriate for your children. You can also remotely limit the amount of time they spend on gadgets.
At an initial stage, if you succeed in putting a check on this addiction, the chances of your children recognizing your efforts increase several folds. They will also try to minimize the use of these gadgets for the better. Using technology is something we can’t avoid, but we can’t overlook the importance of striking the right balance for sound physical and mental development.
Utpal Khot
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