Mental health and emotional wellbeing are two of the major concerns during COVID. Dealing with fear, stress, and anxiety has become our topmost priority. We must provide motivation and moral support to everyone around us. Doing so helps one deal with the emotional and mental toll that COVID-19 has taken on our minds. A sense of togetherness and emotional support will ensure their mental wellbeing. The steps here will help you to keep family members and loved ones motivated during lockdown.
Simple steps..
- Maintain a routine: One must follow a regular schedule. Motivate your dear ones to maintain proper mealtime and sleep pattern. Lack of planning can lead to stress. Consistency in your daily schedule keeps one manageable. Even if they are working from home, help them to stick to your daily plan.
- Stay connected: Get in touch with family, colleagues, and friends. It helps you manage stress and keep you engaged. Make use of social media and phone calls to overcome the issue of loneliness.
- Regular exercise: COVID has made us realize the importance of immunity. You can inspire people around to exercise. Make them realize the importance of exercise. Please encourage them to meditate and do deep breathing exercises as it helps to release stress.

- Take breaks: Breaks are an essential part of the regular schedule. Stimulate people around you to take a break of at least 10 min after every 2 hours to work. Avoid getting lost in the mobile phone during the break; instead, get up and take a walk or get a brew.
- Motivate learning: Keep people around you happy. Inspire them to learn something that makes them happy. Keep learning new skills and try to keep yourself comfortable. Listen to something that lifts your mood.
Some more…
- Plan and prioritize: Prioritize everything before you start your day. Planning and prioritizing will help you to maintain a balance between work and personal life.
- Stay positive: Stop overthinking, instead try to focus the mind of people around you on positive things. To deal with boredom, go for online virtual tours. Get connected to your dear ones by organizing virtual parties as it gives a sense of togetherness.

- Embrace yourself: Instead of keeping yourself busy, focus on making yourself happy. Motivate people around you to pay attention to their feelings. Inspire them to work on themselves, get creative and rediscover themselves.
- Sleep: Avoid going to bed late. Influence your dear ones to take 7-8 hours of sound sleep regularly to stabilize mood swings. Please encourage them to exercise regularly to improve their quality of sleep.
- Eat healthily: Avoid binge-eating. Avoid eating junk food to cope with stress and negative thoughts. Motivate your loved ones to follow a healthy diet plan and avoid eating food from outside.
Conclusion: We must take care of the people around us. It is necessary to keep others motivated during Lockdown. Don’t get depressed by the situation; take advantage of the lockdown and utilize every opportunity to keep yourself and the people around you fit.
Utpal Khot
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