Your resume is your first impression, it shows what you are. It should look perfect at first glance. Some of the common errors while building a professional resume are difficult to read, confusing, grammatical errors, spelling errors, or something unreal. Many of the resumes are ignored or tossed in the dustbin as they do not please the employer at first glance. These tips here will help you to build a strong resume and will make sure that it is on the top of the stack.
Get it organized:
Market all your job descriptions well. It is the one through which your skills will be trailed. Match your skills as per the need of the organization and get it organized as per the need of your employer.

- Top details: Your all-important details should be on the first page of your resume. they should be the highlighted points to catch the attention of your recruiter. Be clear and concise, avoid repeating the same information in your profile.
- Choose a simple font: The font of your resume should be simple so that one can read it easily. Use legible font size and type. Keep formatting consistent such as for bullets and numbering style. Customize your resume template as per your skills and abilities according to the job. Avoid copy-pasting from other’s templates.
- Use action words: Use action verbs and active voice while describing your skills. It should be how well you can organize, manage, and plan things. Your resume should only talk about how you can benefit the organization.

Clear and simple
Avoid elaborating your resume too much and using cheesy words too. Keep sentences short and easy to understand. Your resume looks more appealing if you avoid unnecessary and extra information. Do not give information that doesn’t have anything related to your profession.
- Keep it updated: Update your resume from time to time. Include all your latest achievements and experiences. All this makeover will highlight your skills.
- Keep it focused: Giving too much information isn’t a good idea as it can distract your employer. One or at the most two pages of a resume is enough to communicate everything about you. Be creative and focused on your words.
- Keep it real: Do not list any unreal or fake information in your resume. Be honest as one who is hiring you will be surely checking all the details before offering you a position. If you are caught even with a small lie it portrays an image that you are an unreliable candidate.

- Get it reviewed: You can get your resume reviewed by someone whom you trust and is in the same job position. Take help of an experienced person to write your resume. He can help you to avoid some common mistakes for building your resume.
- Proofread: Your resume should not have any copied information from someone’s template. Check spellings, grammatical errors, and all your information before sharing it with anyone. Your resume should be professional and well-polished before it is in the hand of someone.

Conclusion: Drafting a strong resume is essential as it reflects not only you but your accomplishments. It should explain to your recruiter why you are perfect for that position. Remember that your resume is not about you but it is all about how well you fit the employer’s job requirements. Build a strong resume.
Utpal Khot
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