The Oregano oil we are talking about here is the really powerful and concentrated variety. This kind of Oregano essential oil is extracted from the herb Origanum vulgare by using approximately 200 Pounds of Wild Oregano leaves and Stems. The concentrate received is only around 2 Pounds of Oregano essential oil. The extracted oil contains 5 very powerful ingredients:
1.Carvacrol2.Thymol3.Rosmarinic Acid. Other Chemically active agents present are: Phenols, Ursolic acid, Triterpenes, and Oleanolic acid.
This oil is a natural and strong antimicrobial agent. It works against a variety of Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites and Viruses.
The beauty of Oregano oil lies in the fact that it kills pathogens ie the disease causing Bacteria without a chance of developing resistance as is the case with many antibiotics. Over decades, many Bacteria have developed resistance to so many Antibiotics because of inadvertent use. Studies also suggest that Oregano oil may be useful in addressing diseases related to formation of Biofilms by Bacteria.

It has been especially found to be beneficial in those suffering from chronic Urinary tract infections and Skin infections.
Just mix 2 drops in a teaspoon of Ghee or Coconut oil and consume. Drink plenty of water afterwards. Do not consume concentrated Oregano oil ever as it can cause chemical burns in your mouth and Oesophagus.
For skin application, you can dilute it with a tablespoon of Coconut oil and then use that oil to massage the affected area. This oil has been especially found useful in Fungal skin ailments like: Athlete’s foot, finger and toenail infection, oral thrush, yeast infections.
Oregano oil helps improve your health and beauty by combating the Free radical damage caused by environmental oxidation to the DNA of your body cells.
Regular use may help prevent ailments like: muscle degeneration, certain cancers, Heart diseases, Neural degeneration etc.
Oregano oil capsules are available in the market for oral consumption. However, please never exceed the recommended dose.

Gives you Beautiful Skin
Being a strong antioxidant, it works wonders for getting a youthful, radiant and clear skin. It fights cellular damage to reduce skin dullness while also reducing acne and fungal infestation.
If you are a fan of environment-safe cleaning products then Oregano oil is the way to go. Just like Baking Soda, White Vinegar, Oregano oil can also be incorporated in your homemade cleaning products to counter mold and Bacteria.

Those suffering from seasonal allergies especially related to respiratory troubles may benefit from regular use of this oil. You may add a couple of drops of Oregano oil to a diffuser and let it vaporize in a mist. This works best for respiratory allergies.
We strongly recommend that you should start taking Oregano oil or its supplements after consulting your Doctor. Start with the lowest dose and then gradually build up to the recommended quantity. Also, it must be used intermittently. Lastly, Pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid it.
Have you used this essential oil ever? Did you benefit from it? Do let us know in comments below.
Utpal Khot
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