Backache, constipation, swelling, bloating, sleepless nights, and what not…..? Mom-to-be experience all these symptoms more often than others. Now the question arises, What can you do to minimize your pain during pregnancy? Hitting the gym would be the best thing you can do to alleviate your pain.
Don’t look surprised!! This is not a joke. Don’t fall prey to the long-established belief “exercising during pregnancy may result in miscarriage.”. This belief is a myth and has no scientific evidence. On the contrary, hitting the gym at the start of your pregnancy and continuing it throughout has several benefits attached to it.

But before you start exercising, let your gym instructor or prenatal instructor know that you are pregnant, and they would render you the list of safer exercises. You do not want to add on to your pain, so it is better to avoid some exercises that put excessive stress on your abdominal area. Get into your comfort zone and perform the moves that are not making you feel uneasy.
While shedding sweat, you may feel like you are breathing heavily and getting tired quickly than before you were pregnant. Don’t panic; everything is normal. Take a break and hydrate yourself to gain back your strength and keep moving.
Your gym visits could save you from fatigue, constipation, and morning sickness, and would give you a quicker postpartum recovery. You know exercise releases endorphins hormone, i.e., is a feel-good hormone that makes you feel better during this stressful period. Some safer physical activities empower you to fight with all the adverse effects of pregnancy on your body by increasing oxygen supply.

So, don’t trust the orthodox belief, trust the researchers. Tie up your shoelace and hit the gym. Your body would thank and appreciate you for the favor.
Utpal Khot
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