If you have children in your house, you know the struggle of managing the massive amount of energy they have. They can’t sit in one place for even a couple of minutes. They are active until the moment they fall asleep. You will always find them playing with their friends, family, or even playing alone to keep themselves entertained. Staying active is something that comes naturally to them. But now, because of the COVID-19 outbreak sadly, these little humans are not getting enough space to be their natural selves. Instead of playing outdoor games, children are glued in one place, watching TV or playing video games. We as parents need to do things to keep children active during lockdown.

The state of staying physically inactive may hinder their physical as well as mental growth. According to Australian physical activity guidelines, “Children aged 5 to 12 get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day.” Children’s health experts say sport and physical activity can make kids healthier, happier, more resilient, and socially engaged. It also affects their learning skills, including academic skills.
How to get children back to play during this stressful situation?
Start moving
Children imitate you. They try to copy everything you do. If they see you working out, after some time, they won’t mind joining you without the need for constant pushing or encouragement.

Make it simple yet exciting
To do this, put sporting equipment in your backyard or front yard. Switch on a channel that shows people using them and let them watch it. After that, sit back and see the magic happening.
Turn your biggest room or lawn into a sporting venue
Set up a game-like environment inside your backyard. Set a cricket, basketball, soccer, tennis, or hockey field and invite them to join you. Challenge them by instilling a sense of healthy competition in them. Keep children active this way
Follow YouTube Fitness Trainer
Children are curious human beings who get bored of doing the same thing easily. The advantage of following a professional trainer is that they come up with something new and exciting every 2-3 days a week. This helps you in breaking the monotony in your child’s workout session. There are special online workout classes for children as well.
Utpal Khot
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