Do you toss & turn all night trying to sleep? Sleeplessness is not just a problem you face; many people find themselves experiencing it these days. Due to this, people try to find relief in the medications. But truth be…
Top 5 home-based beverages to beat the heat.
Monsoon is here in India and so is the Heat when it does not rain. We all are getting ready to make changes in our lifestyles. The majority of us work from home amid the COVID pandemic; health has become…
How to keep others Motivated during lockdown
Mental health and emotional wellbeing are two of the major concerns during COVID. Dealing with fear, stress, and anxiety has become our topmost priority. We must provide motivation and moral support to everyone around us. Doing so helps one deal…
Post Corona Vaccine care (Do’s & Don’ts)
Doctors across the globe are getting millions of queries daily about post corona vaccine care. The second wave of infection has brought everyone’s life to a standstill; everyone must get vaccinated to improve quality of life and prevent infectious diseases.…
WHO courses to be done during lockdown
House arrest for months is boring and depressing. One must always keep himself/herself busy, should learn new skills, and should pursue interests. The best part is WHO courses are free, come with certificates, and are offered in multiple languages. WHO…
Immunity building Juices during Corona.
From the COVID-19 pandemic, we have understood the importance of immunity. Many of us are making conscious efforts to boost our immunity. As summer goes and monsoon knocking on our doors, it is essential to make necessary modifications in our life. These little…
Summer dietary changes in focus
Summer is here, and so is the stomach uneasiness. As the season starts, we all experience some or other health conditions. Many of these health conditions are linked to consistent dietary habits across all seasons. As we change our dressing…
Home remedies to combat heat stroke
With summer comes the scorching sun, devil enough to harm us. Heat-related malady engulfs you when your body fails to keep itself cool. One such fatal disease is heatstroke. Heat stroke, generally triggered by external hot temperature, happens when our…
Nail care with home remedies.
Sturdy and lustrous nails are a reflection of good health. But how often do we include nail care in our self-care regime? Probably never or very rarely. Nail is a vital part of our overall appearance. Did you know most…
How to protect yourself from air pollution
The air we breathe is the rich source of oxygen, one of the most crucial elements needed by the body. However, when this air gets polluted and enters the body, the body deviates from normal functioning and becomes vulnerable to…