Staying hydrated is crucial to keep joints well-lubricated, regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, prevent infections, and keep organs functioning properly. When you normalize your fluid intake, you stay hydrated. You experience improvement in sleep quality and mood. However, the current COVID situation, which has pushed and locked us inside our homes, we don’t feel the need of drinking enough water. At the same time, when doctors recommend eleven cups of water per day for women and sixteen for men.
Now what to do to keep yourself well hydrated even when you don’t like to drink water frequently. According to experts, we shouldn’t count on only water to satiate the requirement of fluid intake. We can also fulfill that by replacing water with other alternatives to some extent.

- Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water, squeeze half a lemon, and add a pinch of cinnamon water.
Note: Drinking more than 500 ml water at once won’t be enough to keep you hydrated all day long. You would have to make your fluid intake frequent in order to keep yourself hydrated.
- At mid-morning, drink coconut water. Coconut water contains healthy minerals and improves your skin health as well.
- Just before your lunch, drink lukewarm water with two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to boost your immunity.
- You can have a glass of buttermilk at lunch and dinner.

- Add some mint, basil leaves, or citrus fruits to water to enhance the water’s taste. Trust it or not; these ingredients add flavor and nutrients to the water. You will not only stay hydrated by drinking these kinds of flavored water but also feel refreshed.
- Boil a teaspoon of fennel seed, then filter out the seed and sip the water if you face any digestion-related issue. You can drink it even if you don’t have any digestion issues at all.
- There are several apps on play stores that help you keep track of your water consumption and remind you to drink water at regular intervals. You can download and customize these apps as per your needs.
Utpal Khot
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