This post is for all those who want to be Pet parents. Adopt, Don’t Shop. Give them a Home. I have Dog and Cats and fishes and birds and all are adopted ones. Some were abandoned, some were rescued and some were given away as owners could not handle them. I still take out time and feed Stray animals whom I can’t get home due to space constraints. I would be happy to be a good pet parent to hundreds if I would have the space. Come forward and give them a good life they deserve. Earn their blessings by being a good Pet Parent.
Things to remember:
A single male/female/Couple/Nuclear Family/Joint Family who decides to get home a Pet should be aware of the following:
- You need a Pet, the Pet does not need you as he/she is with his mom. For people like you, he/she has been separated from the mom to be given to you. So remember that he has never come to you begging to take it in. You have gone and taken it. Respect it.
- No Breeder/Pet shop owner can guarantee the characteristics /age and temperament of the baby you are buying from them. Just like the Doctor who has helped a female deliver a baby can’t tell what may happen to the child 2 days/2 years/20 years down the line. Every Pet comes with its own strengths and flaws. Accept it.
- Whatever age you decide to become a Pet Parent, it is like having a new baby (maybe with 2 legs and feathers or 4 legs and a Tail) You need to be dedicated to it and give it the attention a baby needs all the time as an infant.
- Maintain a file for your pet and keep a record of the vaccines. Groom your Pet like your own child. Nails, hair, shampoo, bath everything. They will give you this happiness as long as they live.
- You can never lock a baby and go out. So your freedom of movement outside the house is restricted. We are a human family of 3 and with extended family of many pets now. We have never travelled together outside the house in last 8 years. No holidays, no foreign trips, no outings. Are you ready to do this willingly as a Pet parent?

Some additional ones:
- Remember, your pet may have a heart condition and can’t travel with you always in your car/boat/chartered plane. So don’t risk taking it everywhere for the sake of showing your love. Learn to compromise. Trust me, it will make you happier.
- God forbid, if your pet is sick, learn to stay up whole night and many nights if the illness is terminal. You will live for 70 years plus…your pet has a life of average 10-12 years. Every night counts, every minute counts.
- Don’t try to be a Vet when it comes to your Pet. Consult a good Vet and make him a Family vet as he /she only would know what best makes your Pet get back in action. Study his medical history and research more about his weakness so you know what should be handy always.
- Don’t force a trainer on him. Will you do that with your own child? The Pet will learn things on its own when he/she sees its parent taking the trouble to clean up the mess. My 4 legged daughter will hold her pee up to 24 hours if we don’t take her down but won’t pee inside the drawing room. We never had a trainer.
- Don’t force the feed on your Pet. They are hungry for your love. Feed them appropriately and keep their weight in check. You are only increasing their life by a year by keeping them healthy and fit.
- Your Pet is an animal and needs exercise. Take them for regular walks/play when you can in a day/two days. Keep them active, they will smile and bless you.
The final tough ones:

- If you can’t allow your pet on your bed, you are not a good Pet Parent. A pet is your own child. He/she will have full access to everything in the house, including your worship place. Eventually you need to realize and accept that you are living in your pet’s house and not vice versa.
- Avoid locking up your pet/s when guests/relatives come home. Remember it is their house. If the Guest/relative is not comfortable with animals, politely tell them that next time you would come to their house for the cup of Tea/Meal. They will understand and stop bothering you. You will see the sparkle in the eyes of your pet when you value it over your non-pet loving relatives/families.
- Remember a house is not a home without happy paw prints. Pamper your Pet as a fond parent, give him/her all the love you can and they will love you back selflessly. Your human children may leave you/abandon you once they grow up. Your Pet will never abandon you.
- Last but not the least, your Pet won’t live as long as you. So make his/her exit a happy one. Live with fond memories of theirs. You should never feel guilty that you could not do something which you would do for your own child. A smile should come along with tears when you thing about your pet who has crossed the rainbow bridge.
Utpal Khot
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