Traveling with toddlers and babies needs a thorough planning and lots of patience. Toddlers are pocket-size powerhouses with lots of energy and emotions. Follow the below tips and you will say, ” that was much easier than I thought! ” It is always best to plan your travels around bedtime. Go for long flights that take off at night so that once you are settled in your seats, your toddler gets to sleep through the journey! If not, planning road/ train or flight trips around nap time is the best. However, if that is not possible, below are certain other tips and tricks that might help.
Buy an extra seat for them and thank me later. A toddler who has to sit still in a cramped up space can be a nightmare!
Safety first
Carry extra masks, sanitizers and cleaning wipes and even a disinfectant spray, where possible. In Pandemic times, these things have become crucial specially for parents with small kids.
Not to mention, keep your diaper bag all stacked up with diapers, wipes, changing sheets, rash cream etc in a place you may easily reach while on the go. Carry an extra outfit or two, always!
If travelling internationally, ask your doctor for endemic diseases in that part of the Globe and get yourself and your kid vaccinated at least a fortnight before travelling.
Pack lots of snacks
There is just no overemphasizing this! Your toddler must be well fed, busy and pain-free. So, carry lots of their favorite snacks for your journey and keep them handy.
Pack cookies, cakes, fruits, yoghurt, dry fruits, dry cereal, granola bars, juices etc in plenty.
Keep them busy
For keeping them engaged and entertained, you may carry things like small toys, colors, activity books, story books, puzzles, play dough etc. It’s for you to figure out what works for your little one. If you are traveling by road, you may play games like antakshari, clap games, Uno, ask them riddles etc. Allow them a reasonable amount of screen time as a perk while travelling.

Carry all essential medicines
I highly recommend carrying all important medicines and a first aid kit with you while traveling with toddlers. God forbid you need it but you must have it.
Choose a child friendly place to stay
Pick a resort or hotel with lawns as kids love open spaces. Look out for property that has swings, play zones, swimming pools, a mini- zoo etc. It’s a win win for everyone! You can relax and unwind while your kiddo enjoys the play area.

Buy or rent a stroller for sightseeing
While toddlers insist on being independent, they get tired easily. While going for sightseeing, a stroller can double up as a trolley for all your stuff. You can use it for putting a tired toddler to nap while you roam around too!

Do you have any other tips or product recommendations to share while traveling with Toddlers? Drop in your thoughts in the comments below..
Utpal Khot
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