Covid’s impact on the lives of millions of people is undeniable. A disease that was unknown just a few years back, and suddenly it has become a problem for many people worldwide. It has risen to such an extent that it is a crucial factor in contributing to other lifestyle disorders.
Types of lifestyle disorders that have increased due to COVID-19
A pandemic has made people lose all their productivity and forced everyone to stay at home. Not just that, there is a mental stigma attached to those who have gone through a hard time because of Coronavirus too. All these resulted in various lifestyle disorders, and they are,

- Depression
- Overeating
- Obesity
- Sedentary behavior
- Impaired sleep
- Cardiovascular diseases
How does COVID-19 contribute to these lifestyle diseases?
There is not just one, but a range of reasons why people suffer even more these days. Since Coronavirus came affecting all populations, people were stuck at home in solace. And since not all of us are introverts, it has affected our physical and mental health. Here, let’s take a look at these reasons,
- Restricted outdoor activities: Since no one can go out, we find ourselves either lying on our couch or staring at a computer screen. Because of this, people are not going out, meeting their friends, going to the gym; it has all shifted online. There are advantages, yes, but it has ruined the metabolism of people. Therefore, if there is no outdoor activity, it leads to obesity, sedentary behavior, and cardiovascular diseases.
- Late-night binge-watching: All of us love pulling off an all-nighter, but few of us realize how much it can affect our sleep schedule. Sleep is what keeps our body sane and working all day without any hurdle. But less sleep, more work, eating junk all day has done nothing but made us insomniacs.
- Isolation: Isolation can either make a person be ready for the challenges or increase their anxiety. But most of the population got the feeling of dread, leading to overeating and depression. Even if some people find comfort in solitude, there is still the importance of human contact to feel warmth and comfort.

The last say
No matter what, it is evidently proved that covid have impacted people, whether it is direct or indirect. There are still ways to cope with these issues; all you need is strong willpower and motivation to do so.
Utpal Khot
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