Running a family all by yourself is a tough job, especially when you have a limited income. Carefully planning the budget will help you in the short and long term. Let us check How to…when on a budget!

Make a list
List down the things you buy every month like groceries. A January grocery list may not be enough for February, but it gives you an idea about the money you need to spend on grocery products every month.


Even if you are tired, try to make your dinner by yourself. Take the help of your children or other family members. By doing so, you are cutting down the extra money you would have spent in the restaurant. Restaurant bills include service taxes.
Be punctual
Pay your electricity, telecom, and water-supply bills on time. If you procrastinate in paying the bills, you may end up paying a massive penalty for it.
Avoid wastage
Ask your family members to use resources economically. Overuse and wastage are enemies of budget.
Find ways to make extra money
Some websites pay you for providing feedback on the places you visited. There are many such methods to earn extra money without investing too much of your time.
Wait for sale

If you are planning to buy something new, Wait for the sale! Somewhere around the festive season e-commerce giant give substantial discounts on their products.
Use your Credit/Debit Card for shopping

When you shop with your card, you get points or cashback. The points get converted into money for future buying from the same brand or outlet.
Keep the leftover money aside for buying miscellaneous products
During some months you may spend less on your grocery and stationery. Keep this money aside for later use when on a budget. You can use this money in the time of the casualty or when you need to replace the older and dysfunctional stuff.
Utpal Khot
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