The transitions in life phases are difficult to handle, and when it comes to menopause, the difficulty peaks. For some women, the symptoms are hardly noticeable, while, for some, they are hard to ignore. Hot flashes, mood swings, confusion, weight gain, insomnia, and other disturbing symptoms interfere with regular life. Dealing with such conditions is a little tricky. We are providing you the tools to fight against these irritating symptoms of Menopause.
Some important tips
- Engage yourself in your favorite pastimes, hobbies, or a goal you want to achieve. Getting busy with the things you like distracts you for all the right reasons.
- Meditate for at least 15 minutes regularly. Meditation alleviates pain, and stress.
- Approach your friends, doctor, or counselor when any of the symptoms mentioned intensifies.
- If you experience hot flashes frequently, drink a lot of water, and stay hydrated. Water helps in maintaining suitable body temperature.
- Don’t eat spicy food; it triggers flashes. Eat vegetables and fruits daily to avoid vitamin deficiency.
- To treat insomnia, a course of estrogen is helpful. Consult your doctor before starting any medication course.
- Keep your surrounding temperature low, ideally under 65 degrees.
- To normalize your sleep pattern, a brief course of sedative has proven to be effective. Again consult your doctor beforehand.
- Hormonal changes contribute to mood swings. Women often get mad at the smallest of things. They either become very aggressive when they find themselves in a challenging situation, or they become oversensitive. If you encounter such a situation, try to remain calm and deal with it patiently. Your aggression will only deteriorate the case, and your momentary arrogant behavior will paint a false but negative image of you.
- Read philosophical books, go out with your friends, dance to your favorite music, and stop worrying about what other people think of you.
- Avoid wearing warm clothes, they increase body temperature to an undesirable extent.

Would you like to add some more pointers to this topic of Menopause. Do let us know in the comments below or on our whatsapp.
Utpal Khot
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