Have you been eyeing your mother’s vintage dress, which she used to wear in her college days, for years? Do you want to don the dress and make it look trendy? Are you in love with retro fashion? Do you struggle to resist the charm of the vintage outfits? Then, you’re in the right place. You can revive the retro fashion by complementing it with a lot of different stuff.
Carrying a retro outfit or accessory in the modern era with poise seems quite a task. But many fashionistas do it effortlessly and make us wonder could we also do the same. Let’s put a full stop to all your apprehensions and remove the layer of secrets the fashion industry swears to stick by.
So, get ready to put your best step forward to bring a revolution in the fashion industry.
Underline it with Classic Pieces
Classic clothes paired with any outfit from any era give you a polished look. Put on your favorite retro piece/s and couple it with a coat/cardigan. The trick never goes wrong and would notch up your fashion game a hundredfold without asking for too many efforts.
Get it hemmed
Your every effort could go vain if your outfit doesn’t fit you well. Consider visiting a professional tailor if your vintage piece looks weird on you to get it altered. You can also give it a new look without killing its soul i.e., vintage print. For example, by making it off-shoulder or chopping off one shoulder.
Use a vintage accessory with your modern outfit

Vintage accessories add so much drama to your overall look, you can see the difference or personality transformation just by putting the accessory on and off. Without the retro accessory, you look your usual self, and as soon as you wear it, you become a new fashion icon. Every retro accessory has a character of his own.
Pair it with jeans

Wearing regular jeans with the floral print or polka dot is a sure shot way to flaunt your vintage top like a pro. If you have been struggling to find the piece to give a finishing look to your period top, jeans could turn out to be your best pick.
Combination of retro and modern piece
If you don’t want to look antiquated, don’t go for an all vintage outfit. Sometimes you would find matching your retro outfit with modern pieces difficult, but don’t stop trying. The trial and error method has given the fashion industry the most adorned style.
Create a contrast
Use retro print on modern outfits. This is the easiest way to create a unique look and look different from the crowd in the most stylish way possible.
Utpal Khot
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