Indian kitchens are a pool of incredible ingredients. Everything you find in Indian Kitchen has some or other medicinal properties. Don’t be surprised if you encounter a widely used ingredient that can boost your immunity in this tough time. The crown for the most powerful immunity booster goes to turmeric. Indians have been using this ingredient in their daily diet for more than a hundred years owing to its healing properties. They use it to treat coughs, colds, seasonal flu, wounds, and so on.

Properties of Turmeric
Let’s take a deep dive and explore all the properties of turmeric.
- Oils extracted from turmeric possess antifungal properties—these oils fight viruses present in the respiratory tract. The same oil can be used as a mosquito repellent. Apply the oil to your skin.
- Diabetic patients should consume turmeric extract, which reduces the cell-damaging effect.
- Turmeric consists of curcumin, which is famous for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial antioxidant, and wound-healing effects. Various researches are in progress to study turmeric’s potential scope in treating cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular and other diseases.
- You can use turmeric to treat conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, chickenpox, and liver ailments.
- Turmeric also relieves digestion related problems. It reduces flatus for abdominal pain and distension and regulates appetite, post-meal fullness, and liver functions.
- Owing to its antioxidant properties, turmeric is also good for your skin. You can apply it on acne spots to lighten the spots. You can also consume it to make your skin healthy.
Consuming Turmeric
You can consume the most powerful Immunity booster in many forms, but it works best while taken in the following way.

1. Add turmeric powder to a warm glass of water along with a piece of ginger. If you don’t like it hot, you can refrigerate it for a few minutes.
2. Mix turmeric powder with one teaspoon of honey and consume it daily on an empty stomach.
3. Add turmeric powder to milk and drink to heal the wound faster.
Utpal Khot
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