COVID has made us realize the importance of eating a healthy diet. As things are getting back to normal, most of us have forgotten our health and fitness routine. Good nutrition is essential for every one of us as we need to fight back against this pandemic. Necessary norms must be followed during the year 2021 also. Let us see why everyone is emphasizing diet plans to be followed in the year 2021.

Primary reasons to have Diet Plans
- Boost immunity: Good nutrition is essential for a fit body. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to boost your immunity. Avoid eating frozen and canned foods as they contain large amounts of sugar and salt. Make sure that you read the labels carefully before picking up food for your family.
- Keeps hydrated: Fruits and vegetables are rich in water content. Juices, detox water, and soups should be included in the diet to meet our body’s water requirements. Replace aerated drinks with fresh fruit juices and detox water. They help us to control body temperature and provide necessary nutrients to our body.
- Boost energy level: Eating a well-balanced diet boosts your energy level and help your body to function at its best. Eating whole grains, pulses, and vegetables nourish our body with essential nutrients and keep us energetic throughout the day.

Some more reasons to have Diet Plans
- Improves mood: This pandemic has given us lots of fears, anger, and mood swings as we are not sure about anything. Disturbing schedules, work from home and disrupt eating can impact our health badly. A balanced diet helps us to reduce anxiety and gives us a good feeling. Fear and anxiety can suppress our immune system. Incorporating healthy foods in our daily platter is a must to boost immunity and mood.
- Keeps active: Overeating of fried and unhealthy food can make you feel lethargic. Eat healthy to keep yourself active as it impacts your productivity. “Eat right and stay active” should be the mantra with the starting of the new year.
- Protection: Good nutrition protects our body from many health-related problems such as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Eat the right amount of food in the right way to protect your body.

Following diet plans are not only necessary during this COVID time but for always. Keep the intention of eating healthy every day. Plan out meals well in advance to make good food choices as it will boost your immunity and mood.
Utpal Khot
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