Let’s say you just got a new job. You are now living in a new city with your family. You are now ready to buy a pet to keep you company now that you are not spending most of your time at home. What kind of pet should you buy? Everyone has different tastes, so the possibilities are endless. But no one can say no to doggos. The friendly, lovable, and sometimes blind creatures are the first choice of almost every other person on earth. They are loyal, sensitive, and genuinely affectionate. And if you are not already convinced, here are reasons why dogs are considered a Man’s best friend.
- Dogs always keep you company
Whether you are feeling low or happy, you will always find them beside you. It is all about the company, and what company is better than your furry friends‘? They never bother you or invade your privacy; that is why they are the best companion if you are an introvert.
- They are loyal
They don’t speak, but their expressions and vibe say it all. You can confide in them and tell them all about your woes. They are the best listener you can have and the ones who would never complain about anything. All they need is good food, compassion, and love, and they would love you for their whole life.

- They are good for your health
You might not know this, but some people adopt dogs for better mental health. Some dogs are specially trained to help people get out of their mental illness and get some peace of mind. So it is something about mental health. But we are talking about overall health. You will have to take them for a regular walk, and it would benefit your health and sleep schedule. So it is a win-win situation if you have a dog as a pet.
- Dogs are the best bodyguards
No matter the nature of the dog, he would always stand up to protect their owner. They are attentive and can give the owner a head-start the second they know something is wrong. It is all about how they spend their time looking after their best friend (their owner) and will always stay the same.

The last say
There should be no reluctance in getting a pet. And when that pet is supposed to be a dog, you are in for a life that is heaven on earth. So, start a new journey with your furry friend today and see how happiness will follow you around. A dog is always a man’s best friend.
Utpal Khot
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