Having a strong immunity is very essential. We take fruits, vegetables, and take medicines but sometimes these things also don’t work. Immunity boosters is not about having good food and lifestyle but something related to our inner soul. Let us see which factors can help us to have innate strong immunity. What are the best Immunity boosters during this Pandemic?

Inner happiness has many medical benefits. Happiness is the secret to maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps you to focus on work as one enjoys doing it. Pleasant thoughts, memories, and good moods directly improve productivity and it all depends on you. It makes your relationships better and gives you a healthy long life. Happiness is all about having joy, contentment, and satisfaction in life. Being happy improves your immunity as it not only makes you feel great but also affects your hormonal system. It inculcates good lifestyle habits which directly affect your overall immunity system. It boosts up the energy level, concentration and contributes to positive well being. According to the researches, being happy reduces the chances of getting cold and infections as being happy affects your hormones, digestion, and stress level. It also reduces the stress level.

Happiness is your decision, why so? You can be happy at every moment, even at this moment. It all depends on you whether you want to be happy or not. If you want happiness then don’t try to be, just be happy. You, yourself are hindering your happiness. No one other can block your happiness till you want. Be happy from today, from this moment. Things will be the same tomorrow too, don’t wait for the perfect time to be happy. Being happy is an art that should always practice. Keep yourself reminding you that you have to be happy. So start prioritizing your happiness from now. Do things which you like to do. Give yourself also a priority. Be happy and improve your life.
Inner peace
Having an inner peace is important in life as it builds confidence. It helps you to increase your intelligence level. Inner peace gives the potential for regulating emotions and strong decision making. It is a fact that the brain with peace has sharp skills irrespective of age factor. One should practice meditation for gaining inner peace. Stress affects our metabolism rate and so if we are in peace, it improves our digestion. One should practice mindful activities to increase focus and memory. Having peace helps us to overcome depression and anxiety.

Positive self-talk is one of the important tools for self-management. It is one of the three key Immunity boosters. It helps us to enhance our performance as it leads to satisfaction in life. Telling yourself about your amazing things has many benefits for our health. Positive self-talk affects your mental and emotional well being. It boosts your confidence level as self-talk leads to better decision making.

Conclusion: Start boosting up your immunity from today itself as everything (happiness, self-talk, and inner peace) is in our hands. It all depends on how we wish to live our life. Take the help of your psychologist if you are unable to meet all these factors as these are essential for boosting our immunity. Let us start the New Year on a Positive Note. Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year.
Utpal Khot
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