Ways to increase breast milk production for new moms
Breastfeeding is a natural process but it does not always come easy. New moms face many challenges while nursing their babies. A low milk supply is a very disturbing problem for new moms as well as babies. Thankfully, there are several methods that you can use to increase your breast milk supply.
Breastfeeding is a demand and supplyprocess.

So, the more you feed your baby, the more your milk supply would increase in absence of any other physical disease in the mother. However, you need to ensure that your baby is latching on correctly on your breast.
Feed Breast Milk from both sides alternatively.

This practice helps to empty both your breasts, increase milk supply, prevents mastitis, engorged breasts, clogged milk ducts as well as fore milk-hind milk imbalance in your baby. An easy way to remember which side you fed
Use a breast pump to express milk in case, you are away from your baby or your baby has not nursed in two to three hours. This way, the milk build up gets removed from your breast
Drink lots of fluids in order to help your body produce more milk. You can take fluids in form of water, soups, juices, shakes, smoothies or herbal teas. Make it a point to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and keep sipping water every half an hour. Since, 80 per cent of breast milk is water, you will be surprised at the results. Chamomile tea, especially is popular for enhancing milk production in new moms.
Take a good diet.

Nothing beats the importance of a nutritious and
Lactogenic Herbs and Spices such
Avoid Caffeine while you are nursing in order to prevent dehydration. Remember, a dehydrated body will never produce ample milk for your little one.
Lactogenic foods like Oatmeal, Porridge, Jaggery, Flax Seeds etc. would surely help in increasing your breast milk.
We are certain that following these tips would help to increase your milk supply over a period of s couple of days. However, in case of true low milk supply, it is always better to consult a physician. Do not self-medicate. Do you have any tips for new moms who are trying to establish a sufficient milk supply for their new borns?
Uttpal K
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