Conversation is an important aspect in our life. Most of our relations within and outside the family depend on the type of conversations we have. Lets us look at some Tips that can help you be confident to start a conversation.
Think a little before saying it.
We said to think, not overthink. There is a difference between both, and you will have to understand it. When you approach someone, it is important to have a mental double-check before you blurt it out. If you don’t think it through, it may not come out as you thought it would.
Gain trust with small talk.
Many people say that they are not a fan of small talk. But the truth is, it is the small talk that gets the other person’s interest. It is something that can help build trust and even your confidence. So if you think that the other person seems interested, you can start talking to them even more. And as people say, some friendships come unexpected, so it may be your chance.
Look presentable
Yes, people judge. As simple as that. Even if people say that it is not always great to judge people by their looks or appearance, it is a person’s first impression. If you approach someone and look presentable, there is a high chance that the other person will listen and pay attention.
Make eye contact
Even though it is hard to make eye contact with someone you are talking to for the first time and feel nervous. But if you don’t make eye contact and keep your head bowed, it will not make a great impression on the other person. Eyes do speak a lot, so keep eye contact and make your intentions clear.

Be sure of your tone.
Speak slowly and clearly, so even if you are nervous, it wouldn’t seem that way. Be sure that your tone is relaxed and helps the other person be comfortable while talking to you.
At last, when we meet someone, it is normal that we have an opinion about them in mind. It all depends on the conversation we have with that person. So that is why your first impression needs to be great. So, it is all in your hands; use our tips and ensure that you conserve a good image in the other person’s mind.
Utpal Khot
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