Emotional chaos is the result of the unprecedented outbreak of the virus which has created a lot of havoc in every part of the world. It has even broken the backbone of the superpower by plummeting the employment rate to a considerable extent. Lay-offs and no new recruitments have further degraded the ongoing conditions. So much has been said about restoring and nothing has been done so far. This has caused outrage among various groups of people. While you see people revolting on the street for their rights, let’s introduce you to the other side of the picture. These people are suffering from Corona emotional chaos.
Some people are confining themselves to their homes to break the chain of infection. They are not only physically confining themselves but also emotionally trying to detach, which is not recommendable under such grave conditions, themselves from everyone. People suffering from depression and other psychological issues have been bottling up their feelings instead of sharing it with other people.
This is the high time to find out ways to beat emotional chaos.

- Optimism is a great tool to deal with emotional fluctuations. Stay optimistic and remind yourself that everything happens for a reason, and nothing will last forever; even the bad times shall pass.

- Smile because you’re worth it. A smile gives you the confidence to cope up with the toughest of situations.

- The world will become the best place to live when everybody you need help starts asking for it. People who ask for help are not weak ones. In fact, they ask for help because they need it like anyone else.
- Rather than thinking about the possibilities, dwell on your present, and be thankful for all the things you have.

- Perform yoga and meditation with your loved ones, and you can always do it alone in a peaceful environment.
- Be strong enough to accept your mistakes and get ready to learn from them. Without committing any mistake, you can’t improve yourself. All human beings commit mistakes; it’s no crime because that’s how they learn new things and build up new things based on their experiences.
This will definitely get you over the emotional chaos if you are a victim of it already.
Utpal Khot
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