From the COVID-19 pandemic, we have understood the importance of immunity. Many of us are making conscious efforts to boost our immunity. As summer goes and monsoon knocking on our doors, it is essential to make necessary modifications in our life. These little modifications will save us from the unwanted troubles of a pandemic. Drinking juices is the best way to reduce inflammation, stay hydrated, and reduce stress. Here are a few super healthy and Immunity building juices that will not only boost your immunity but will ensure that you remain active and focused throughout the day.
Top choices
- Cucumber lemonade: Cucumbers are the best food during summer. Its cooling effect keeps you refreshed for the entire day. The freshness of cucumber with lime is all one that nobody should miss. Don’t use cucumber and slices of lime as a salad; instead, turn them in a refreshing mocktail. It keeps you hydrated and delivers numerous antioxidants. Using this drink daily boosts bone health and promotes healing.
- Turmeric, ginger, lemon, and orange: These foods are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Their antiviral and antibacterial properties make them perfect for COVID time. All you need to do is blend them, and the juice is ready.
- Amla juice: Prepare Amla juice at home. Use the concentrated juice from the drugstore only if you cant make one at home. Add a tablespoon of juice to the glass of water to make fresh Amla juice. Amla is a rich source of iron, phosphorus, and Vitamin C. It is a great drink to boost immunity.

You can also try…
- Tangy orange Juice: Orange contains several vitamins and minerals. Oranges are loaded with the richness of Vitamin C and so drinking a glass of orange juice helps you to build up immunity and keep infections at bay. It helps one in the management of blood pressure levels and keeps your energy level high.
- Beetroot, carrot, ginger, and apple: This drink is a combination of three root vegetables. This juice helps you to build immunity and reduce inflammation. It gives you relief from various COVID symptoms such as runny nose, cold, and flu. This drink helps in the detoxification of body and liver health.
- Watermelon and mint: Watermelon relieves muscle soreness. Muscle soreness can be a result of COVID-19. This drink is full of water and so helps you with indigestion. One can blend a few watermelon dices with a few leaves of mint or a few slices of lemon.

Summary: It is recommended that everyone make changes in our diet, especially when the season is changing. Including smoothies, juices, and healthy drinks is a perfect way to keep ourselves fit. You can always top up your drinks with chia or pumpkin seeds to add some twist. Are you ready to enjoy the drink? Do share your recipes of Immunity building juices with us.
Utpal Khot
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