Fiber is an essential part of digestion. It plays a crucial role in maintaining cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Including a high-fiber diet in daily routine helps to solve all the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and pulses are a rich source of dietary fiber. Consuming fiber is essential for a fast metabolism, weight loss, diabetes, and cancer. The simple nutritional changes are here to help you to include dietary fiber, tasty food in your platter.

For breakfast
Fruits such as papaya, a small amount of banana, or an apple can be included along with milk. One can add whole grains or bran to a cereal meal. Almonds and raisins are the best morning snack that can be consumed daily.
One can replace basmati or usual white rice with brown or wild rice for including whole grains in the diet.
Legumes, beans, and lentils are excellent sources of fiber. Kidney beans and pulses should be an essential part of your platter. One can make salads, soups, easy snack recipes, and various baked snacks using legumes.
Whole-food sources
Whole-food sources such as barley, buckwheat, millet, wheat berries, and farro are the best source of natural fiber. The whole grains aid the process of digestion as compared to refined grains.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are known as the powerhouse of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and omega-three fatty acids. They help in smooth bowel movements, increase the rate of metabolism, and are essential for cleaning the colon.
Salads are the best source of nutrients and fiber. Eating salads and vegetables before meals help us to reduce the intake of calories.
Fruits are the must munchies that are rich in fiber and nutrients. Eating fruits at regular intervals gives a feeling of fullness, and so reduces the chance of consuming more calories. Say a big “NO” to juice as cold-pressed juices only provide us carbs and not the fiber. Eating vegetables and fruits directly is much better than juice as it gives more fiber and fewer carbs.
High-fiber diets are essential for our body, but consuming too much fiber can invite several problems such as bloating, indigestion, and cramping. One should drink plenty of water for proper digestion and bowel movements.
Do you have any more suggestions on how to include dietary fiber in your diet?
Utpal Khot
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