Festivals bring everyone together. It unites everyone from different cultures and languages. The chances of disease spreading are high during festivals and winters, so social etiquette should be strictly followed. Let me tell you how we can follow social etiquettes and can continue to celebrate the most awaited festivals.

Very Important
- No physical greetings: Make sure that you don’t greet anyone physically. Ensure safe greeting gestures to keep our loved ones safe.
- No large gatherings: Maintain social distancing and avoid taking part in large gatherings. Large gatherings increase the chances of risk. Avoid going outside if you have any minor symptoms such as cough, fever, or headache. Try to stay at home.
- Maintain distance: Maintain a minimum distance to reduce the chances of infection. Avoid overcrowding or sitting close to anyone even if you are at home.
- Wear a mask: Always wear a mask when you are going outside. Wash it from time to time to avoid any chances of getting infected. Cover your entire mouth and nose while wearing it.
- Sanitize: Make use of sanitizer before and after touching anything. Follow the routine of washing your hands with soap and water whenever necessary.

Don’t forget these..
- No sharing: Avoid sharing your plates, tissues, or spoons with others. Avoid sharing your stuff and food as well. Also don’t share your vehicle with someone as it increases the chances of infections. Avoid traveling with unknown people.
- Adequate ventilation: Make sure that you are not indoors if it is a gathering. Avoid sitting close to anyone who is smoking or spitting in public.
- Limit everything: Avoid inviting a large number of guests. Ensure that safety is a priority for everyone. Avoid including elderly people and small children for gatherings. Make sure that they take necessary precautions if they are involved in the gatherings.
- Necessary precautions: Take a hot shower and wash your clothes separately whenever you are coming from outside. Do wash your footwear before taking it in.

Summary: We must practice appropriate behavior to curb the spread of diseases while welcoming the new year. It is the responsibility of every citizen to fight against COVID-19 by following social etiquettes outside his/her house. If you notice any symptoms, notify your physician immediately.
Utpal Khot
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