Fitness Tips for Moms
- Fitness

Easy and Practical fitness tips for moms

Life changes entirely once a woman becomes a mother. Most of your time is consumed by your professional commitments, maternal duties and household chores. Where is the time to sit back, relax and focus on yourself? However, complaining never gets us anywhere. Does it? Here are some smart fitness tips for moms that can help you focus on yourself and your overall health while taking care of everyone else. 

Watch the kind of food you eat 

Home cooked, locally sourced and seasonal food is the best kind of food. Since, in most homes moms are in charge of what food to buy. Look out for the above pointers in food, dairy, fruits and vegetables you buy. Try to cook and eat less from packets. Processed foods have more sugar, trans fat and preservatives. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.

Eat and Cook Simple, nutritious meals

Simple and nutrient dense meals like khichdi, Porridge, salads, hummus etc. where you can pack in grains, lentils, veggies and spices all in one are a win-win! Make smoothies your best friend. Milk, nut butters, fruits, dry fruits all packed in one! Smoothies are a nutrient powerhouse. Also, such all in one meal help save a lot of time. Moms can utilize that extra time for exercising, pursuing a hobby etc. Secondly, these kinds of meals are packed with multiple nutrients and minerals. 

Fitness Tips for Moms

Design your meal plate wisely

For moms, it is difficult to follow strict diet plans for it requires extra effort to cook separately for themselves. What you can do instead is, increase the intake of whatever curry/ daal you are cooking by double. Gradually, reduce carb intake. For instance, if you eat 2 rotis and 1 bowl dal. You should start eating, 1 roti and 2 bowl daal. The logic is, you are not eliminating the carb all together so, you will not crave so much. Second, most Indian curries have nutrient rich vegetables and protein rich dals so, you are increasing the goodness of your meal.

Fitness Tips for Moms

Always, include raita with your meals. Chop some vegetables, grab some seeds and simply throw them in with beaten curd. There you are with a filling, tasty and nutritious probiotic side for your meal.

Make it a point to exercise everyday

Now, even if you cannot hit the gym, there has got to be something you can do. You may go for a walk, swim, do aerobics, dance or use an exercise bike for just 30 minutes each day. Half an hour is very easy to manage. Ditch your phone screen and voila! You have half an hour in your hands pretty easily. 

Use the time when kids are down for a nap or away to school for your workout sessions. If you feel unmotivated, get into a fitness group with other moms. You will feel a sense of accomplishment, get a boost of endorphins and help you shed extra weight all in one. 

Fitness Tips for Moms


The importance of drinking enough water each day cannot be overemphasized. Drinking more fluids helps to clear your digestive system, flush out toxins, rejuvenate your skin and decrease hunger pangs!

Involve your kids

Activities like nature walks, mom and kid aerobics and swimming could be a good way to spend some quality time together as well as achieve your fitness goals. 

Fitness Tips for Moms

Do you have some special hacks to help others keep ahead on your fitness journey while taking care of family and work? Keep sharing your Fitness Tips for moms with all around you.

Utpal Khot

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