In this modern age where almost everybody is into corporate jobs, one very sad fact is the rise of lifestyle related diseases. Why are so many people getting heart attacks at an early age ? Finances are increasing but so are depression and heart attacks due to various factors discussed below. Let us read about them and some possible solutions..

1. Sedentary lifestyle
In the corporate world, you are expected to sit glued to your laptop screens. There are no limited working hours and people barely have just 2 days a week to take care of their personal lives and well being.
Compared to an active person, somebody whose job involves sitting for more than 5 hours per day has markedly higher risk of suffering from heart failure or heart stroke.
To improve your overall health, give your muscles a stretch and to decrease your odds of getting a heart disease by prevention of hardening your arteries by plaques, make it a point to move your body for at least 5 minutes after every hour of sitting. You can do this by means of light stretching or a light stroll around the office or just some on the spot jogging.
Take the stairs whenever you can at the office, apartment, metro stations and even malls.
2. Stress work related and otherwise
They say, overthinking is like a rocking chair that keeps you busy doing something but does not take you anywhere. Being too anxious about stuff like relationships and even deadlines at work can lead to stress that affects your body in really bad ways.
Anxiety leads to release of stress hormone in the body called adrenaline which is responsible for increased workload on heart in form of shooting up of heart rate or your blood pressure. Over long duration of time, constantly higher range of blood pressure can cause loss of elasticity of your blood vessels and consequently increased risk of heart attacks at an early age and heart failures.
I believe being able to meet expectations and ensuring the well being for your loved ones is one major source of our anxiety. Opting for a reliable health insurance plan gives you one less thing to worry about. Less worry means less burden on your mental health, less parasympathetic activity and as a result, better heart health. A good insurance plan like Maxbupa gives you better emotional, physical as well as mental well being.
3. Excessive consumption of salt
Salt contains Sodium which is a major reason for water retention in your body. More fluid content in body is a contributing factor towards higher blood pressure and heart failure.
To avoid heart diseases due to excessive salt intake, consume the varieties of salt that have low sodium content. Avoid all kinds of processed foods unless absolutely important and do not add, over the table salt to your meals.
4. Not getting enough sleep
Make it a point to get at least 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep each night to ensure enough rest to your heart so that it gets enough time to repair the wear and tear that has occurred during the waking hours of your day. Stay away from distractions like social media, late night parties and television on a regular basis.
5. Fatty foods
While healthy fats such as Omega 3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for your heart’s health. Saturated fats like: Ghee, butter and cream are your heart’s enemy. Try to include oils that are rich in unsaturated fats and include stuff like: Flax seeds, Almonds and Walnut in your diet to derive the essential fats rather than junk and fried foods.
Also, apart from the above, after the age of 40, it is a good practice to get your lipid profile done, once a year, even if you are not suffering from some obvious heart ailment to get a clear idea about your cholesterol levels and triglycerides in your bloodstream and making the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.
What other factors do you feel responsible for people getting heart attacks at an early age. Have you given a thought about taking a health insurance plan? What all aspects and diseases do you think a good insurance plan should cover to be holistic? Do let is know in the comments below.
Utpal Khot
Copyright © Utpal K
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Useful and informative post , I have switched to Himalayan pink salt which is healthier than regular salt. Do morning walks and try to stay cool
That will help Ghazala.. 🙂
Wow…This helps too.. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this!
Welcome.. 🙂
We mostly do WFH and sit at the same place for almost the whole day. We have recently included yoga in our daily routine or post-sleep meditation. This calms our mind and body a lot. Well curate list for people who ignore these things in our busy lives.
We mostly do WFH and sit at the same place for almost the whole day. We have recently included yoga in our daily routine or post-sleep meditation. This calms our mind and body a lot. Well-curated list for people who ignore these things in our busy lives.
This is really one most fearful situation …and you really mentioned the right points we do lot of work from home and I realize that yes we too consume a lot of salt !!
Yes, not just heart problems, all lifestyle disorders are gripping us. We all need to be more active in our lifestyle and go all natural way again.
I absolutely agree to all the possible factors leading to heart attacks in young people. We should be very careful with our lifestyle and food habit
Each one of us should change our habits and lifestyle towards being healthier with our habits and take adequate sleep. Thanks for informative post.
This post is a good reminder for all of us. Diseases at young age is a harsh reality and we must combat them.