Get Rid of Fleas
- Pets and Pet care

Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas on your Dog

Fleas are one type of small insects that survive by sucking the blood of mammals. Unlike other bugs, they don’t have wings, but they jump from one host to another to grow stronger and lay more eggs in the process. While they have a small size, these fleas can do significant health damage to pets as well as family members. That’s the reason you must try some home remedies to get rid of fleas on your dog.

Today, there are many products like shampoos, sprays, and powder that will help in getting rid of fleas but most of these products contain chemicals and may make your pet weaker. Also, there is no guarantee that these fleas will not infest the pet or your home. Instead of spending loads of money on such products, there are many natural ways to get rid of fleas once and for all.

How to Get Fleas Off My Dog?

How to Get Fleas off My Dog

The comfort of a pet is essential as they become an integral part of the family. While fleas don’t infect the humans, they can cause significant health damage to furry animals. To avoid flea infestation, you need to start the prevention procedure by cleaning the areas where your pet sleeps or sits most of the time. Also, groom the pet periodically and use specialized cleaning products that will help get rid of fleas in no time. You can use natural products like lemon rinds to keep insects away from these places.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas on Your Dog

Compared to any chemical based products, homemade remedies to get rid of fleas from pet and home is far more efficient and cheaper.

Here are some of the natural home remedies for fleas:

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas on your Dog

Apple Cider Vinegar Spray:

This citric water is a tested remedy to repel insects. All you need to do is mix one teaspoon of fermented apple cider vinegar to quarter liter water. Feed the water to the dog. If the pet seems not interested in consuming the liquid, add more water. This water will make the coat and skin acidic making fleas or ticks repel naturally. Never apply the apple cider vinegar spray directly on the coat as it might irritate broken skin areas. Also, if your pet is sick, consult the veterinary doctor before feeding the apple cider water to pet.

Boric Acid Powder:

Fleas grow in humid condition. Look for the areas of the house which are moist and doesn’t get exposed to sunlight. Dust boric acid powder on the areas where your pet sits or spends more time. Don’t let a dog like the powder as it might give some reaction. The borax powder will dry out the eggs and kill fleas. Vacuum the area after three days to get rid of the dead insects and germs as the process might take three days to kill bacteria’s completely.

What Do You Do When Your Dog Gets Fleas?

What Do You Do When Your Dog Gets Fleas

The best way to get rid of fleas is by sanitizing the house as they affect the pet’s health but can also be harmful to family members especially kids. Here is a simple way to sterilize your home when the pet is affected by insects.

Using Heat for Cleansing

The best way to get rid of fleas and their eggs is by cleansing the pet’s bedding using hot water. Pour a detergent, few drop tea tree oil in warm water and soak the bedding for few hours. It will help get rid of fleas, larvae, and eggs in one go. Wash the bedding thoroughly and dry under the sun for best results.

Vacuum the Flooring Periodically

Fleas thrive in moist and warm regions. Make sure you vacuum and cleanse the areas which are wet. Expose the areas to fresh air and direct sunlight. Do periodically clean the areas where your pet sits often. Also, wash the carpet and corners of the yard were the fleas hide.

Combing the Pet

There is a special flea comb for pets which are designed to increase blood circulation and get rid of pets. Grooming is the best way to keep a distressed dog happy. A good quality comb with help get rid of fleas including their larvae and eggs. For useful results, give your pet a bath using flea shampoo and then with a flea comb, get rid of remaining eggs or larvae.

A Thing to Remember:

Fleas don’t usually infect humans, but if they get a chance, they do bite them. To avoid flea infestation, keep the area clean by vacuuming the house periodically. Also, use proper natural shampoo for dogs that prevents the fur form flea infestation. One can also use apple cider vinegar or lemon rinds around the house to ward off these insects without harming the health of pet or your loved ones. If you have a pet, do let us know how you take care of them and keep the fleas at bay.

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18 thoughts on “Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas on your Dog

  1. That’s a very good informative article. I don’t own any pets but it’s definitely going to be useful to my friend who has two dogs and a cat.

  2. When you keep a pet with you, it becomes a family member to you. You are automatically attached to it. When they get infected, we need to take all the required steps to get them well first and make them comfortable.

  3. Always love your articles about Pet health. Fleas are a big issue for pets and pet owners. Some great tips like feeding apple cider vinegar and boric acid powder use is new to me. Will share this with pet owner friends.

  4. It becomes very unpleasant when the dog gets fleas. It irritates the dog as well as the people around. Loved your home remedies. Remedies like boric powder are so handy and can be of instant relief to the dog.

  5. The article is very good and has some really great tips. It will surely be loved by all friends who had canines at their home.I personally was planning for a pet, hopefully I can bookmark and refer in future.

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