Farmers in India are today on the streets; they are protesting. Farmers are the only reason the Indian government could provide necessary food essential to everyone. They are the strong pillars supporting the Indian economy. The government is taking 2020 agricultural reforms to support them in every possible manner. According to farmers, it will lead to their exploitation and will also take away their freedom. The situation seems to be very critical as the opinion of the government and farmers is totally opposite. Some Farmers in India are unhappy; let us see why?

Prime Reason
- Lack of Growth: Indian government has passed three bills: promotion, facilitation, empowerment, and amendment bills. According to farmers if these bills are passed, it will leave them at big co-operates’ mercy. Big co-operates dominate the Indian food and agriculture business. As per them, no purchases should be made below MSP. It is necessary that there should be an explicit provision, and necessary action should be taken if any agency buys food products below MSP. Farmers today are stressed because they feel these ordinances will destroy their lives and impact the market, laborers, and commission agents. If recently passed bills are applied, it will completely stop their growth.

Other Reasons
- Negotiations: Farmers are apprehensive about getting the minimum profit for their produce. Negotiations from big retailers dictate the price of their commodities. Many of them are unable to sell in their states as they don’t get paid on time.
- No value: The mandi system will eventually collapse, and co-operates will have the upper hand in fixing. Due to the different agencies involved in buying and selling of goods, the profit gets minimum.
- Fear: Economists and farmer’s representatives will take over contract farming. They are scared of the abuse of co-operates and the market process.

These ordinances are against the interest of farmers as per these farmers. It should be the government’s responsibility to make sure that farmers get better prices for their produce. At the same time it is the Governments responsibility to explain these. It is also the Governments responsibility to alter or cancel these if found unreasonable. They should be free to sell their products anywhere. It is the responsibility of every Indian citizen to make farming profitable. Let us see whether ‘The farmers’ produce trade and commerce bill,’ ‘The farmer’s agreement of price assurance and farm service bill’ and ‘The essential commodities bill’ will be beneficial for farmers or not.
Utpal Khot
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