Exercising every day is the best practice one can have to live a healthy lifestyle. But is it true that one can exercise to the extent that it is too much? Of course, it is true. But, after a good workout session, your body needs to get some time to relax and prepare for next time. So, if you aspire to get the best out of your exercise routine and not over-exercising, read more.

Symptoms as well as drawbacks of overexercising.
- Soreness in muscles: If you have sore muscles after your workout session, it is a normal thing. But if that soreness turns out to be prolonged, it is not something you should be experiencing.
- Sleeplessness: Exercising in a good way promotes sleep and helps your body relax in every way possible. However, if you have trouble sleeping and experiencing insomnia, this shows you are overexercising.
- Constant fatigue: The constant feeling of tiredness is not good for your body. Feeling a little tired during the workout is okay. But if you feel fatigued throughout your day, it is a bad sign.

- A gain in weight: Yes! Exercising helps you reduce weight, but over exercising will cause your body to gain weight. It is surely not something you were looking forward to, so keep a check on it.
- Bad performance: Once you get the hang of the workout, it generally leads to better performance. But due to over-exercising, the performance will go backward.
- Depression: There is nothing that boosts your mood other than a good workout session. But if your body cannot cope with the workout, it can lead to depression. Your mental health is related to physical health, and over exercising isn’t helping.
- Inflammation: Sore muscles are another thing, but inflammation from a workout is not a good sign. It can trigger other diseases. So it is better to tone your workout session down.
- Bad immunity: Once you start exercising, your immune system starts getting better. But this benefit is only seen when your body is getting the physical movement which is good for it. But over exercising can just turn around the results and lower your immune system.

Lastly, all you need to do is listen to your body and ensure that daily practices favor the body. It will help if you seek the help of a professional, as they can help and tell you what type and how much exercise is good.
Utpal Khot
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