Cybercrime is a real threat today. Most of the things we do today are done online so we keep on using our phones and desktops for doing transactions. With more use of the internet comes the threat of our information being hacked. Cybercrime or fraud is not only about finances but identity theft. Hearing about such crimes, sometimes makes us think to stop using the internet but is it possible? The better idea is to protect yourself and know more about cybercrime. Let us know how one can protect from being a victim.

Some basics
- Strong password: Use complex passwords for your social media and bank accounts. Keep changing them and make sure that you don’t use the same password with multiple accounts. Your password should be a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Never share your password with anyone.
- Authentication: Use social media accounts only after using multifactor authentication. Multifactor authentication decreases the chances of information getting hacked is reduced. Always use multi-factor authentication especially while you are dealing with some finances.
- OTP: Never share your OTP with anyone. Sharing OTP means you are inviting cyber threats by yourself.
- Backup data: Encrypt your data on your secured mobile and desktop. Take a backup of all your essential data on an external drive.
- Secured Settings: Never share your details on social media. Sharing your mobile numbers and date of birth publicly invites several threats. One can clone sim cards, aadhar card, and PAN card. Keep your private information locked.
- Secured Wifi: Use only secure Wifi while you are using public Wifi as all your details can be tracked easily. Use secured communication to encrypt your files. You must use a private network to avoid any type of data hacking.

Some more basics…
- Be alert: One must be alert and proactive while sharing any information. One should take the necessary steps as soon as something wrong/ illegal happens. You can freeze your accounts so that no one should use your information. Take necessary action whenever you receive any unauthorized email, message, or OTP.
- Internet security suite: Use the internet which has complete security against viruses. It should protect all your data when you are using the internet.
- Avoid unwanted updates: Do not register your email Id and phone number unless it is very essential. Never go behind advertisements, fake emails, and messages. If it looks suspicious immediately delete it. Never click on such links as it hacks all your necessary information.
- Software-update: Always use updated software on your mobile and computer. The hackers know flaws when you are using the previous version of the software. The chances of hacking financial and personal information are more when one does not use the updated software. Always keep your software and operating system updated.
- Review details: Always keep a check on your bank account statements especially with credit cards. It gives you information about all the details. The chances of information being hacked are more with credit card users. Approach your bank whenever you suspect some fraudulent transactions.
- Equipment protection: Make sure that you have anti-virus software so that you can have protection for your system.

Conclusion: Never share your details with anyone. Keep a check on your internet use if it is safe or not. To avoid being victimized. Always protect yourself and your details from being hacked as protection are better than cure. Help stopping Cybercrime.
Utpal Khot
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