Getting fed up by an increasing waistline is common nowadays because people are staying inside their houses more than ever. Staying indoor means you have more accessibility to food, and this is encouraging your habit of unhealthy snacking. While feeling hungry after every 3-4 hours is normal, devouring unhealthy food frequently is what gives you a hard time maintaining a healthy weight. Do you know, there are many healthy alternatives to Doritos, Nachos, Fries, Chips, etc., that you feed on? The foods that we are just going to put into your table are not only healthy but also delectable. They will not only squeeze down your waistline but also give you a firm, bright and youthful-looking skin. Let us have a look at these Guilt-free snacking ideas.

You can always stock your fridge with seasonal fruits. Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins and fibers. They keep you hydrated. Moreover, you don’t gain any weight irrespective of the number or frequency of fruits you consume because they don’t contain any fat. It’s because of the fiber-rich fruit you feel full and don’t get cravings for unhealthy food. Your control over your cravings helps you shed extra weight.

Nuts and Seeds
Munching on nuts and seeds is always a good idea as they are low in carbs and loaded with the goodness of fiber, protein, healthy fat, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Nuts are added to many regional and international cuisines to enhance the look and taste of the dish. You can eat them raw, roasted, or add it into your favorite dish but avoid frying them. Put in some chia seeds in your smoothie and sprinkle flax seed, pumpkin seed to your salad, dessert, or savory dishes, and you will fall in love with the flavors they bring in. One of the all time safe snacking ideas

Tell us which age group doesn’t like popcorn? There is no such thing. People of all age groups, irrespective of their geographic, enjoy popcorn. Popcorns are available in different flavors to match up to your different moods. Avoid the butter and cheese flavored popcorn.

Cookies and Chocolate
Dark chocolates have antioxidant properties, and if consumed in a limited amount, they can do wonders for your health. Don’t shy away from making oat, ragi, millet cookies, your guilty pleasure because they come with their own health benefits.
Utpal Khot
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