Foods which help stop the signs of ageing
No one wants to see themselves aged with wrinkled skins, blurred eye sights and shaking hands and legs. We all are scared of signs of ageing. But today’s stressful life and the ever-changing environment, we all ageing faster than we actually should. Perhaps the quest to stay young and beautiful has been there with humankind since its evolution. People for centuries have been looking for methods and ways to stay and look young longer and if possible throughout their life.
Diet and Ageing
While there aren’t any magic formulae, but incorporating certain anti-ageing foods in our diet is the best possible way to bring us closer to our goal. We age because of the thing called free radicals present in our body, which through the process of oxidation, burns up our bodies faster and leads to we look older. We can fight this oxidation process through certain foods that are high in anti-oxidants. These types of foods almost always revolve around different fruits and vegetables and also some whole grains.
Listed below are a few anti-ageing foods that are not only delicious and nutritious but also help slow the effects of ageing in every part of your body— starting from our skin to our brain, heart and joints.
Turmeric has been known and used for centuries for its anti-ageing and skin lightening properties. It is being used in many cosmetic formulas all over the world. The curcumin content in turmeric is known to help against ageing of the joints, brain and other neurodegenerative conditions.
Pomegranates are considered to be one of the best food for anti-ageing. Pomegranate seeds contain punicalagin and ellagic acid which helps inhibit damage from free radicals. It also retains the collagen in the skin. This helps to inhibit the ageing process.
Fish and Fish Oil
Are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that aid in the healthy functioning of the body cells and further helps combat inflammation. The high-quality digestible proteins in fish’s improve our skin texture and lessen the fine lines. It is instrumental in bringing down the blood sugar levels that have been cited as a major cause of ageing.

Having nuts as a regular part of our diet can add years to our life by preventing us from chronic diseases like cancers, cardiovascular ailments and cognitive decline. Nuts have both mono and polyunsaturated fats, that have been linked with reduction of heart diseases and diabetes. As all vascular factors have been related to cognition, nuts help in reducing cognitive decline. Chestnuts, walnuts and pecans are considered among as the best.

These berries have been known for delaying the ageing process and promoting longevity. The major health benefits of blueberries are attributed to their cognitive benefits, protecting memory-associated regions in the brain from oxidative damage and slowing age-related damage to brain cells. Blueberry is a rich source of rich in anthocyanin, a compound well known for its anti-ageing effects, limiting the cellular damage caused by free radicals and preventing a large array of ailments.

The best anti-ageing food for your face. This food is rich in lycopene which works as an internal sunscreen against UV radiation and ageing. It also contains vitamin C which enhances the collagen strength. The potassium regulates the water content of the cells in the skin. This maintains moisture and hydration levels. Regular consumption of tomatoes adds the natural young glow and vitality to our skin.
Summing it Up
Here are a few noted benefits of using anti-ageing food:
- Provides protection to our skin.
- Improves gut health.
- Enhances bone health.
- Supports cognitive function.
- Helps in lowering risks from heart ailments.
- Protects and improves our vision.
Introduction of our new Panel Dietician
This article is a contribution from Dietician and Founder Member – Diet Clinic Ms Sheela Seharawat {PG –Dietetics and Hospital Food Service (DHFS)}
Practising since 2005 as a registered dietician under IDA, Sheela Seharawat is the founding member and chief mentor of Diet Clinic, operating around 35 outlets successfully all over the country.
A motivational speaker, an expert dietician and a strong believer in healthy and motivated living, she has transformed the lives of many through her breakthrough diets and inspiration on living a healthy life. Another feather is added to the name of Diet Clinic Health Care as the esteemed magazine and organization “Silicon India Start-Up City” has recognized and awarded “Diet Clinic” in their annual listing of “10 Best Startups in Fitness, 2017”.
She started her career in the Indian Army hospital as a dietitian. Her journey in health and fitness starts from there. She is still serving the people and believese to offer the best guidance on health and wellness.
Sheela always says – ‘Let Your Diet Work for You’. She aims to spread the message of wellness and the art of dieting through her clinics across various parts of the globe. Ms Sheela Seharawat dedication work towards spreading healthy lifestyle awareness among the mass is commendable. She keeps on providing relentless services to fitness and health relevantly.
She is our Panel Dietician and Fashionablefoodz will be featuring her regularly for our readers to understand Diet-related facts better and discuss wellness in the comments below.
Wow! a very useful and informative post indeed
Thank you Aritra 🙂