Parenting is an emotional roller coaster with numerous ups and downs. Parenting styles can vary widely depending on a person’s culture, background, personal experiences, and parental role models they’ve had. Researchers have classified parenting styles according to three, four, five, or more psychological constructs. Parenting style can also be situation-dependent. At the same time, every parent and situation will be different.
#Controlled child – Authoritarian parenting
The authoritarian parent’s interaction with the child is monologic, meaning that all of their communication with the child (with perhaps the exception of reprimands and orders) consists of giving speeches and making statements, and they never ask questions. When they talk to the child, they regard it as an opportunity to teach them something, not as a chance to involve them in a dialogue or to find out what the child thinks.
#Indulgent child – permissive parenting
Permissive parenting is a set of child-rearing strategies that involve giving in to or taking advantage of a child’s unacceptable or inappropriate behavior. Parents should motivate their children to be independent, but they shouldn’t be utterly permissive in their approach. For example, the permissive parent refuses to punish her child for misbehaving; instead, she looks away or maybe even pretends not to have heard anything.

#Abandoned child – Neglectful parenting
A neglectful parent is someone who accepts no responsibility or personal accountability for their actions. When a parent is negligent, more often than not, it stems from selfish reasons: they’re too busy and don’t care about the child’s well-being as much as they should. As a result, they show their children little love and affection, often filling their lives with anger, violence, and inappropriate behaviors.

#Child-centered parenting – authoritative parenting
Some of the best parents are authoritative. These parents make just as many rules with clear explanations, and they are strict, but they are still loving. The children in authoritarian households feel they can tell their parents anything and that their views matter. They also feel like even though their options for decisions may be limited, when it comes down to it, their parents will always do what is in the best interest of the whole family.
The final lines
Generally, we think of positive parenting as a set of practices focused on creating the best possible human beings. In other words, parents should strive to bring out their children’s strengths so they can do the child’s greatest good in their future careers and beyond. Therefore, we must raise our children according to our deepest values. Doing so will give them a sense of meaning and purpose and afford them a sense of self-worth. Or so goes the wisdom of this well-known parenting phrase.
Utpal Khot
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