How to make remote working more effective?
Remote working is the style and dreams for many of us. Something that we are embracing as one of the coolest things about working from home or remotely is the uninterrupted time frame, flexibility, and freedom. Being productive, creative, and inspired are a few challenges that we face while working remotely. Let us know how the beauty of remote working can get more productive, sustainable, and enjoyable.
Planned schedule

Prefer to wake up early in the morning. Make sure that you establish work timings with your colleagues, and you are always receptive during those hours on emails, phone, and group meetings. Set you’re “on” and “off” timings. You must regularly advocate about the progress that you have made.
Free communication
Communication is a valuable asset. It is essential that, being a team, we should get connected to meet our goals. Always be adaptive for welcoming new methods of working and communicating if you wish to improve your team productivity. Do find time for some non-work conversations so that you can cherish the opportunities to connect with your colleagues.
Set a workplace

Work from home shouldn’t mean you can work from anywhere you like. To keep yourself focused, having a designated workplace is a must. Your designated spot and environment should keep you motivated. Be aware of your productive hours. Follow the same break time for lunch and tea.
Time for self-care

Avoid crossing the line between work and home, personal and professional. Be committed to your fitness, health for being more productive. Avoid stretching your work late at night until it’s needed as most of the time, increased flexibility leads to missing important moments in life. Never neglect your daily care rituals, take a shower, and get dressed properly to avoid depressive thoughts. Not necessary that you should wear a pantsuit, but it should not be the one that you wore to bed.
Incorporate social interactions
Being human, you must connect with others. Makeup time for going to the gym, reading a book, or interacting with others. Social isolation is one of the factors that we should work upon to overcome the sense of less belongingness or loneliness. You must go out of the house and should interact with other people regularly to add variety to your schedule.
Technical assets
WiFi is an integral asset to make your work more successful. You should be able to access video calls, emails, and your phone to do your job well. You should consider not only internet connection but also noise-canceling headphones, background noise, wireless mouse, keyboard to improve your work efficiency. Remote working requires more enhanced tools and techniques for communication.
Embrace DND
Try to turn yourself off from unwanted notifications and disturbances around you. It is essential to set your barriers so that you can work uninterrupted. Figure out things that help you to work and not according to the expectations of the people around you. Keep yourself focused despite time and schedule differences.
Bottom line: Build your tricks to work smoothly, along with maintaining productivity. The need is to make clear-work policies so that we can adapt to changing circumstances.
Utpal Khot
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