perfect body posture
- Fitness

How to achieve perfect body posture

Having a good posture is essential because it gives you more confidence, flexibility, and energy. Body postures can be improved, but it is a slow process. It requires a lot of patience and practice. Here are a few exercises that will strengthen your muscles and fix your posture. Maintaining a good position also prevents you from back, neck, and hip pain. So let us look at achieving a perfect body posture.

Improve standing and walking posture:

Keep your chin level according to ground, shoulders straight, balance your weight on feet, and stomach in. Stand straight while walking and standing to look more tall and slim. Avoid sitting in the same position for too long, take breaks, or walk in between to relieve your muscles. Avoid leaning on the table while you are doing your work or daily household chores. Leaning puts a strain on your joints and muscles; it also creates digestive and breathing issues. Keep your phone in front of your eyes and avoid putting stress on your neck.

 Sleeping posture

It is necessary that you should follow a proper sleeping position. Choose a soft mattress that gives your spine a natural shape. Match the level of your head and spine by using a pillow. 

Be mindful

Be mindful while doing any activity. Whatever you are doing, focus on your body posture. Keep things at a proper height to get a good posture. 

Comfortable shoes

Wear comfortable shoes and avoid wearing heels. High heels are one of the common reasons that affect your walking style. Save your heels for a perfect occasion.

Avoid leg-cross

Always try to plant your ankles on the floor and relax your shoulders. Use a footrest if needed. Adjust the height of your chair higher than your knees.  

Support your back

Keep your elbows at complete rest at an angle or 90 or 120 degrees. Use a comfortable seat to relax the muscle of your thighs and hips.  

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly to maintain a good posture. A few of the common exercises are

i) Do a small exercise by standing straight, pressing your neck, calves, hips, and shoulder against the wall to maintain the balance of your body. Doing this will help you to distribute your weight evenly. 

ii) Join a swimming class as it involves all your body parts. It involves your back, stomach, hands, and legs. Swimming is the best exercise that brings all your muscles in motion.  

iii) Practice yoga postures regularly to relax your muscles. It relieves you from back pain and stiffness in the body.

iv) Stretch your neck after using the phone for 15-20 minutes. For a better posture, move your phone and not your head. Using the phone continuously for too long to strain your spine.


Conscious awareness for getting a good posture can help you to correct posture. You must know the cause of your bad posture. Different factors responsible for poor posture can be stress, obesity, using heeled shoes, or a poor work environment. Identifying the cause will help you to decide your strategy for getting a perfect body posture.

Utpal Khot

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